



I am just looking for a good career path and CS/MBA degree sounds great for both development and management jobs.

If you have the insight, please help me decide if a CS/MBA degree is worth it.

To what kind of career path does it usually lead?

Specifically, to what kind of jobs do they lead if one has little work experience?

Could it be useful for a liberal arts undergrad graduate?

+1  A: 

A lot depends on what you focus your MBA on. Some MBA's are highly mathematical, others look at things like marketing and management in more depth. If your MBA includes things like the mathematics of optimisation and decision making and mathematical finance then you will have a good chance of being hired in a number of roles:

  • Investment banking - securities markets
  • Management consulting
  • Software consulting esp. for manufacturing and logistics projects

There is a really wide range of things you can do.

So it could be quite useful. The main thing to ask yourself is, do you want to do this kind of work, and also, do you think you can be good at this kind of work.


To be honest, with a liberal arts undergrad degree, you might find a Masters in C.S. to be extremely difficult. Not necessarily impossible, but very difficult. Pairing that with an MBA is quite a difficult challenge. Not saying you shouldn't try it, but you should be aware that doing it would be very tough.

+2  A: 

The people who would benefit most is the IT people you would be managing. Of course, this presupposed you actually have some industry experience before you become a manager, and I think this is a prerequisite for most decent MBA courses. Some of my worst managers are people who have no IT experience themselves, and don't know when to listen to their IT staff, and when to seek outside help.