




Is there an equivalent to C#'s 'new' modifier in Java?

I'd like to use it for unit tests - every init() method should be marked final and annotated with @Before. Then, jUnit executes all of these init() methods.

I don't want to bother coming up with new names for each of these init() methods, and I definitely wants to mark them as final to make sure they don't override eachother (an alternative pattern is to override and call super.init() from every init() method).


Unfortunately not. Heck, before @Override there wasn't even any way of protecting against typos when overriding.

You can't create a method with the same signature as a superclass method without it overriding that method. Admittedly I try not to do this even in C#...

Have you considered using initFoo and initBar for classes Foo and Bar respectively (etc)? It's a simple enough pattern to follow, and would avoid the name collisions. A bit ugly, admittedly.

Jon Skeet
+1  A: 

Java does not have an equivalent to the C# new operator which is

Used to hide an inherited member from a base class member.

For what you'd like to do, why not create a base class that your other tests can extend, and create an abstract method named init() (marked with @Before) in the base class? This forces all subclasses to supply an init() method.

matt b
+5  A: 

A common pattern is to make your own 'before' methods final and create protected (abstract) methods for the subclasses.

In the superclass

public final void before() {

protected void onBefore()  {


In the subclass

protected void onBefore() {
    // prepare the test fixture

This gives you the best of both worlds:

  • a well-known method to override in sub-classes;
  • overriding is optional;
  • the superclass method is never overriden;
  • the client method is invoked when the super-class decides, i.e. either before or after the super-class decides.

It does have a single downside - it ties you to a single super-class. Still, that may not be an issue to your environment.

Robert Munteanu
The problem is indeed tying to a single base class. If a class stops inheriting the base class, then the onBefore() method never gets called.