The browser makes a GET request for each resource included in the Page, including js files, images, css files...
EDIT: Here is the source of your two extra page loads:
<script type="text/javascript"
src='<%# ResolveUrl("~/Common/jQuery/jquery-1.3.2.min.js") %>'>
<script type="text/javascript"
src='<%# ResolveUrl("~/Common/jQuery/jquery-ui-1.7.1.custom.min.js") %>'>
As you can see in the rendered version the src attribute is empty, causing it to load the page two extra times.
<script type="text/javascript" src=''></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=''></script>
You can probably fix this by using the runat server tag and having it resolve the urls automatically.
<script type="text/javascript"
ID="jQuery"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript"
ID="jQueryUI"> </script>
(or change <%# %> to <%= %> -- since you need to have the version that outputs a string instead of the binding syntax).
Original answer removed since it was not related to the actual problem.
It could be lots of things - the important part of the request is what it's GETing.
Generally you're going to see more than one request for an ASPX page as it loads the javascript libraries to perform validation and postbacks. Controls can also have javascript embedded as resources, which in turn create other GET requests, usually for WebResource.axd and ScriptResource.axd.
The browser should normally hit the server just once, and all the time it takes to query the database and whatnot should be confined within that request. If you're playing around with ajax controls, they're likely to query the server more times for new data. You can use firebug to inspect the requests and responses, and see what they contain.
A common cause for the aspx being requested several times is having IMG tags rendered without any SRC attribute. This will default to querying the same page for the image source. If this is the case for you, then you could check the request headers in firebug, to see if it expects an image.
You could also go to the console and type document.images to get a list of all the images. The ones that aren't visible on the page will be shown slightly faded. Inspect those for blank SRC's.
If you have security enabled, that could be the challenge and response requests - first a 401 then a 200. What are the response codes that you are getting?
It's unlikely that those are AJAX requests, as the response length is the same on each request.
I'm also ruling out the bug with empty src attribute of img elements, as this only causes one reload of the page, not two.
There is a know bug with Telerik RadEditor that might cause such condition, but you don't mention it in the list of used controls. Here are more details about it:
You might also want to comment out the Telerik controls on the page to see if that helps.