ok. simple one that is wrapping my brain
I have a method that I have in the controller
public ActionResult Details(string strFirstName, string strLastName)
return View(repository.getListByFirstNameSurname(strFirstName, strLastName)
How do i get multiple parameters from the URL to the controller?
I dont want to use the QueryString as it seems to be non-mvc mind set.
Is there a Route? Or Other mechanism to make this work? Or am I missing something altogehter here with MVC
the url that I am trying for is
http://site.com/search/details/FirstName and Surname
so if this was classic asp
But i feel that i have missed understood something which in my haste to get to working code, I have missed the point that there really should be in a put request - and I should collect this from the formcollection.
Though might be worth while seeing if this can be done - for future reference =>