




Hey everyone,

Currently, I am constructing an XML document in PHP that will yield the following:


However, I am looking to get the following:


To get the first XML doc, I am using the following PHP code:

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM eventcal WHERE eventDate = '$date' ORDER BY region");

$doc = new DomDocument("1.0");

$root = $doc->createElement('data');
$root = $doc->appendChild($root);

if (@mysql_num_rows($query)) {
 while ($row=@mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { 

        $node = $doc->createElement('collection');
        $node = $root->appendChild($node);

        foreach($row as $fieldname => $fieldvalue){
           $node->appendChild($doc->createElement($fieldname, $fieldvalue));

Is it possible for me to modify that PHP to have "primary" as a child of "region"?


Sorry guys, I meant primary as a sibling. You're right, the collection tag would become superfluous. Based on your comments, I think that the structure should be changed to:

     <region ID = "1">
     <region ID = "2">

My problem then is, how can isolate region as a parent from the MySQL resource that is returned from the query?


+3  A: 

I think what you want is this:


$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM eventcal WHERE eventDate = '$date' ORDER BY region");

$doc = new DomDocument("1.0");

$root = $doc->createElement('data');
$root = $doc->appendChild($root);

$currentRegionId = -1;
$currentRegionNode = null;

if (@mysql_num_rows($query)) {
        while ($row=@mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {

     if ($row['region'] != $currentRegionId)
      $currentRegionId = $row['region'];

      $node = $doc->createElement('collection');
      $node = $root->appendChild($node);

      $currentRegionNode = $doc->createElement('region');
      $currentRegionNode->setAttribute('id', $row['region']);

        foreach($row as $fieldname => $fieldvalue){
      if ($fieldname != 'region')
       $currentRegionNode->appendChild($doc->createElement($fieldname, $fieldvalue));

Where does the Region ID end up in the XML? Would you say that's a good place for it?
Nowhere at the moment - thought I'd put this in while waiting for the question to be corrected though...
... question says "primary as a child of region" but the example xml contradicts that - has it as a sibling
Greg,That is what I want. Thanks. I was unsure how to "pull out" region from the query result, but you're way works. Thanks!
+1  A: 

You first need to understand the XML itself better. You want region to be a complex type containing the primary elements hence you probably want to introduce a new element or attribute to hold the regions ID. For example you may want XML to look look this:-

    <region ID="1">
    <region ID="2">

Note how currently the collection element has become superflous since it only ever holds a single region element. Its important the you continue to evolve your actual XML structure before you write anymore code.

Thanks for your help, I posted a revision as an edit of my original post.