--preface: ignore if you want.
I'm new to rails, and working on a project that will require user authentication.
I found this tutorial and have been trying to go through it and understand what's happening. Of course, it's not exactly what I need as-is, so I've been modifying as I go along. The tutorial is also out of date in some areas, so of course I've had to update my code. So part of my problem is that I'm not sure if the bug is in my modifications, or some function that's been deprecated, or what.
--the question
This is the (simplest) test that fails. (" expected to not be nil" on the first assert statement.)
def test_authentication
#check we can log in
post :login, :user => { :username => "bob", :password => "test" }
assert_not_nil session[:user_id]
assert_equal users(:bob).id, session[:user_id]
assert_response :redirect
assert_redirected_to :action => 'welcome'
It calls the user_controller action login:
def login
if request.post?
if session[:user_id] = User.authenticate(params[:user][:username], params[:user][:password])
flash[:message] = "Login succeeded!"
flash[:warning] = "Login failed."
which calls the User method authenticate. I know that authenticate works properly, however, because I have a single test that does pass:
def test_registration
#check that we can register and are logged in automatically
post :register, :user => { :username => "newuser", :password => "pass", :password_confirmation => "pass", :email => "[email protected]" }
assert_response :redirect
assert_not_nil session[:user_id]
assert_redirected_to :action => 'welcome'
which calls the user_controller action register
def register
@user = User.new(params[:user])
if request.post?
if @user.save
session[:user_id] = User.authenticate(@user.username, @user.password)
flash[:message] = "Registration succeeded"
redirect_to :action => 'welcome'
flash[:warning] = "Registration failed"
which successfully calls authenticate.
the users fixture has one relevant record:
username: bob
email: [email protected]
hashed_password: 77a0d943cdbace52716a9ef9fae12e45e2788d39 # test
salt: 1000
I've tested the hashed password and salt - "test" is the correct password.
So by my analysis, the bug has got to be in one of 3 places:
how I'm sending my post request,
how I'm accessing the parameters in the login action,
or some aspect of the fixture loading.
(originally I was using the tutorial's code to load the fixture explicitly (self.use_instantiated_fixtures = true; fixtures :users), but I read that all fixtures are automatically loaded before testing, so I took it out. That didn't change a thing.)
Of course, since I can't seem to find the problem in those areas, it could just as well be anywhere else.