I am trying to build Apache Lenya from source and I am running into some problems. When I check out version 2.0.2 (the last stable release) form SVN, there is a build.sh file in the home directory and I can build it using:
This script changes some variables and executes an ant build. However, when I check out the latest version from the repository, it seems to be a maven build. There are no instructions included. I also cannot find anything online. I have tried running:
mvn clean install
and mvn package
but both failed as it was unable to resolve 7 artifacts. I would assume that the answer would not to be go and download those 7 artifacts manually and install them, otherwise what is the point in using a build system like maven.
Hopefully someone can shed some insight here on how to build Lenya. If you're wondering what I am using to check out the latest version of Lenya, the SVN command is:
svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lenya/trunk