




I'm exploring a few PHP frameworks and the current front runner is Kohana.

Having a Rails background I've become used to what the rails community calls "RESTful" routes. So a "GET /posts" displays all posts and is handled by the index method of the Posts Controller. A "POST /posts" creates a new post object and is handled by a different method of the Posts Controller.

Since the path in both these 2 requests is identical, the router needs to make decisions based on the HTTP method.

Is the router in Kohana capable of doing this?

+6  A: 

Kohana does not support RESTful routes by default, but there is a RESTful module that adds support for it. See the RESTful wiki for usage.

Kohana v3.x supports RESTful controllers directly. Just extend Controller_REST instead of Controller and all the route action will be the request method. (A POST request would be targeted to action_post, etc.)
