I have Application written with GWT 1.7. I have one page where I upload file to the remote server that is on different domain. So, when I do Post to the server files goes to the server but when it's time to get response I'm getting null in following function:
resp.getWriter().print("The file was created successfully.");
form.addSubmitCompleteHandler(new FormPanel.SubmitCompleteHandler() {
public void onSubmitComplete(SubmitCompleteEvent event) {
Javadoc for event.getResults() said following:
Returns: the result html, or null if there was an error reading it @tip The result html can be null as a result of submitting a form to a different domain.
This is the code example that I tried to follow. It works as is, but when I'm calling my servlet the response is null.
By the way I tried to use Firebug to see Headers and it seems to me that servlet is sending response back. I think it's just GWT does not like it. Is there any work around for this so I can get my response in GWT?