We currently don't format our msbuild output in CC.NET (CruiseControl.Net) and as a result, finding the cause of a broken build involves reading the XML to find the last 'success="false"' instance in the output.
What XSLT do you use to format your msbuild output, and are you happy with the resulting HTML? I.e. do you find it easy to identify the cause of a broken build?
Thanks b
EDIT: Here's a sanitised sample of one of our CC project XML elements. I'm now wondering whether the merge of logs is the issue.
<project name="StackOverflowSample">
<sourcecontrol type="multi">
<!-- We get latest from TSF -->
<intervalTrigger seconds="60" />
<buildArgs>/noconlog /p:Configuration=Release /v:quiet</buildArgs>
<logger>ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.XmlLogger,"D:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server\ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.dll"</logger>
<assembly> D:\_300\app\consoleApp1\bin\Release\consoleApp1.exe</assembly>
<buildArgs>"&nunitConsoleExecutable;" "app\consoleApp1\bin\Release\consoleApp1.exe" /nologo</buildArgs>
<buildArgs>D:\_300\app\consoleApp1.xml /Silent</buildArgs>
<xmllogger logDir="." />