I'm creating a DSL for an extensible card game engine I'm working on, with boo.
I have a card macro that creates a class for a new type of card, and initializes some properties in the constructor. That macro has a few submacros for setting other things. Basically I want it to turn something like this:
card 'A new card':
type TypeA
ability EffectA:
// effect definition
into this:
class ANewCard (Card):
def constructor():
Name = "A new card"
Type = Types.TypeA
class EffectA (Effect):
// effectdefintion
The effect definitely needs to be a class, because it will be passed around (it's a Strategy pattern).
So far, I have this simple skeleton:
macro card:
yield [|
class $(ReferenceExpression(card.Arguments[0])) (Card):
def constructor():
Name = $(card.Arguments[0])
Now, I don't know what should I do with card.Body to make the ability macro add code to the constructor while also generating a nested class. Any thoughts? Can this be done with current language capabilities?