
Is anybody using the Specter BDD Framework?

I was reading the example chapter from the book by Ayende and on the website of the Boo language I saw a reference to the Specter BDD Framework. I am wondering if anybody is using it in their project, how that works out and if there are more examples and/or suggested readings. Just in case you are wondering, I'm a C# developer and so I...

How do I configure an ASP.NET MVC project to work with Boo

I want to build an ASP.NET MVC application with Boo instead of C#. If you know the steps to configure this type of project setup, I'd be interested to know what I need to do. The MVC project setup is no problem. What I'm trying to figure out how to configure the pages and project to switch to use the Boo language and compiler. Chris ...

Strange boo language syntax

I've run into a strange syntax in Boo Language Guide : setter = { value | a = value } What does the | operator mean? ...

Best non-C++ language for generative programming?

C++ is probably the most popular language for static metaprogramming and Java doesn't support it. Are there any other languages besides C++ that support generative programming (programs that create programs)? Which ones are the best (for learning, for efficiency, for maintenance, for embedded systems, whatever)? ...

Can you do LINQ-like queries in a language like Python or Boo?

Take this simple C# LINQ query, and imagine that 'db.Numbers' is an SQL table with one column, Number: var result = from n in db.Numbers where n.Number < 5 select n.Number; This will run very efficiently in C#, because it generates an SQL query something like "select Number from Numbers where Number < 5". What it ...

Is there a way to verify that code will work on the 360 while doing XNA dev?

I'm working on a casual game on XNA with the intention of deploying to the Xbox 360. I'm not going to have access to hardware for a few weeks and I'm on a tight deadline, so I'd like to test that a few things -- Boo and a few custom libraries -- will work properly on the 360. If they don't, I need to work around them sooner rather than...

Has anbody used Boo and can you comment on your experiences?

I'm looking for a groovy equivalent on .NET So far Boo looks interesting, but it is statically typed, yet does include some of the metaprogramming features I'd be looking for. Can anyone comment on the experience of using Boo and is it worth looking into for more than hobby purposes at a 1.0 Version? Edit: C...

Where to find like-minded FOSS developers?

I have started work on an open-source project and I'd like to find related projects and people that want to work on something similar. Is there a site for finding such people? The idea is a multi-syntax extensible .NET compiler framework, in case those people are here. ...

Good dynamic programming language for .net recommendation

Well, after a long time writing .net programs in C# I started to feel angry and frustrated about all that syntactic trash that comes with statically typed languages. Now I want to change to dynamically typed languages, that takes advantage of CLI. So I searched a bit around and I didn't like of what I saw. I first looked for IronPython. ...

Defining operators in Boo

I'm looking to move some of my lighter weight metaprogramming from Nemerle to Boo and I'm trying to figure out how to define custom operators. For example, I can do the following in Nemerle: macro @<-(func, v) { <[ $func($v) ]> } Then these two are equivalent: foo <- 5; foo(5); I can't find a way of doing this in Boo -- any id...

Boo vs. IronPython

After having looked at each of these two projects, it seems that both are VERY similar. Both run on top of the CLI, both have python style syntax, both use .NET instead of the standard python libraries. So, what are the differences between them and advantages of each? ...

When is a new language the right tool for the job?

For a long time I've been trying different languages to find the feature-set I want and I've not been able to find it. I have languages that fit decently for various projects of mine, but I've come up with an intersection of these languages that will allow me to do 99.9% of my projects in a single language. I want the following: Buil...

What can BOO do for you?

trying to get a side project hobby going to keep me motivated from my 9-5 job on C# and was looking at Boo. some ?'s what has your experience being with Boo? what kind of apps/projects have you done with Boo or what is Boo capable of? Guess being the web world, would like to get my hands dirty with desktop applications etc. ...

What's the point of the var keyword?

The var keyword does away with the need for an explicit type declaration and I have read with interest the SO discussion of when it might be appropriate. I have also read about (but not used) Boo which seems to take things a step further by making it optional to declare a local variable. With Boo, both the type and the declaration can ...

Lambdas in Boo?

How do you deal with lambdas in boo? Is "callable" the same thing? How do you define a method that takes a lambda as a parameter? ...

Internals visible to Boo (Binsor)

I am using Castle Windsor for IoC and I want to use Binsor to define my configuration. I want to let my internals be visible to Boo. I have tried to mark my assembly with InternalsVisibleTo("Boo.Lang") but that didn't do the job. I have tried InternalsVisibleTo("Rhino.Commons") because I have noticed that the exception is thrown from wi...

How do I add a language keyword in BOO to let 'when' behave as an 'if'

Hi, I cannot seem to figure out how I can add the 'when' keyword to BOO which should behave as an 'if'. I figure I could make a method, but then I cannot move the when around like I can with if. Any pointers would be appreciated. -Mark ...

Minimal Silverlight example

What is the really minimal example of Silverlight application? For example, I made the following example with IronPython: from System.Windows import Application from System.Windows.Controls import Canvas, TextBlock canvas = Canvas() textblock = TextBlock() textblock.FontSize = 24 textblock.Text = 'Hello!' canvas.Children.Add(textblock...

.NET Nested Classes

The current class library I am working on will have a base class (Field) with over 50 specific "field" types which will inherit from "Field" and nested for maintain readability. For example... abstract class Field { public int Length { get; set; } public class FieldA : Field { public static void DoSomething() ...

What technology to use in creating DSL for rules engine?

What technology would you recommend to create a DSL for a Business Rules and Validation Application Block for .NET? And why? The architecture of the framework is established and proof-tested by a production. I just want to create a .NET processor to transform human-readable rules to a compiled Rule implementations. The options that I'...