
Who is using Boo (programming language)?

I just saw that Ayende Rahien wrote a book about Domain Specific Languages using Boo? I have never heard of Boo before that point. Can anyone speculate as to the reason he would choose that language? ...

BOO Vs IronPython

What is the difference between IronPython and BOO? Is there a need for 2 Python-like languages? ...

Nant, Booc, and x64

I have a .NET project that's always been built/run by/on 32 bit machines. I got a new a 64 bit computer and am trying to tackle the task of getting it working there. The build script is in nant, and at one point we compile some boo code using the nant task. The boo code references our core DLL, which is built from c# source earlier in t...

Boo in Visual Studio?

Is there a way to use boo in my msvs? I would like my form to call some boo code instead of C#. ...

Is Boo a good choice for writing unit tests?

I'm developing in C# on the Castle stack. I'm new to unit testing, and I've heard that a more flexible language (than C#) might make writing tests easier. Do you think it is worth the time to learn Boo just for writing unit tests? We use the SharpDevelop IDE, so have Boo support available, and I've kind of been looking for an excuse to...

Why would one choose Iron Python instead of Boo?

Possible Duplicates: BOO Vs IronPython Boo vs. IronPython Say you want to embed a scripting language into a .NET application. Boo is modelled on Python syntax, but also includes type inference, and just in general seems to be a better, more modern language to embed as a scripting language. Why, then, is there so much fuss ab...

In Boo, how do I specify an array parameter?

In Boo, let's say I'm overriding a method that takes a parameter that takes string[] urls. Type inference, for whatever reason, isn't matching up to the base class, so I need to explicitly specify the type of the parameter. class MyClass: MyBase override method(urls as Array[of (string)]) dostuff() This turns out not to be corre...

How can I use FluentFile in Rhino ETL DSL?

I have been playing around with the Rhino ETL library and really like the direction that it's going. However I have found that the bad part about it is the documentation is sparse and there doesn't seem to be enough good information on how to create these pipeline processes and especially using the DSL. I am just attempting to create a ...

Difficult boo syntactic macro

I'm creating a DSL for an extensible card game engine I'm working on, with boo. I have a card macro that creates a class for a new type of card, and initializes some properties in the constructor. That macro has a few submacros for setting other things. Basically I want it to turn something like this: card 'A new card': type TypeA ...

Is Boo 100% C# compatible?

Boo seems like a very cool language. Is it 100% C# compatible? I mean: can I use any C# DLL/class? Could I make use of the XNA framework? ...

How can I create a dispatch table in Boo?

I'd like to be able to store a function in a hashtable. I can create a map like: hash = {} hash["one"] = def(): print "one got called" But I'm not able to call it: func = hash["one"] func() This produces the following error message: It is not possible to invoke an expression on type 'object'. Neither Invoke or Call works. How c...

How can I intercept a method call in Boo?

Ruby has method_missing , Python has getattr. Does Boo offer something I can use to intercept method calls? ...

Are there non-CLI implementations (esp, JVM) of the Boo programming language?

Boo looks like an interesting language, but it appears to be implemented only for the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), AKA .NET -- at least, I haven't found any other implementation, and I'd especially like one for the JVM, if it exists. So, I thought I'd double check on Stack Overflow -- ARE there any non-CLI implementations of Boo...

How can I create a control like the one from Eclipse's autocomplete?

I'd like to create an autocomplete control using Boo/C#. Here's a screenshot from the internet if you don't know how it looks like : I'm basically thinking of a undecorated window/dialog ( which I'm not sure how would I implement ), or a control that can be displayed on it's own ( a ListBox of some sort ). How could I implement such ...

What is a real-world application for HORN?

I've been hearing a bit about HORN lately, and wonder what problems it can solve or how a real life situation of using it is beneficial. ...

Opensource projects using BOO

I am trying to learn BOO and think the best way to go about do it is to write some code :) I have searched high and low to find some OSS project in BOO, to which I can contribute. But it looks like the only type on software written in BOO are frameworks (developer oriented) and not end user oriented. Do you know of any open source BOO...

Generics in Boo - Is there an equivalent of the C# where clause

Is there a way in Boo to express some constaints on generic types as we can do using the where clause in C#? In short, how to write?: class MyClass<T> where T:Icomparable<T> {...} Thank you ...

Boo Reference Card?

I'm looking for a boo syntax sheet/reference card. A quick search on google and on boo's site didn't turn up anything, does anyone know where one is? ...

Boo vs C# vs Python?

I was (yes, was) a Python (and before VB6) lover until tried to create GUI applications. It is very (very) difficult to create a GUI, and making executables (A hello world app was 2 MB). Then, I jumped to VB.NET, but collections looked hard, strange and foolish to me. Then, jumped to C#, but don't really know C# well now. I ordered a go...

Best language for introductory "higher level" programming course.

My CS department is currently considering a new introductory "high level" programming course. It is partly aimed at non-majors or those with other primary majors that will find it useful to build programs, including biocomputation, etc. I have a PhD in programming languages, but I'm finding it hard to say exactly what languages current...