
Can you use "where" to require an attribute in c#?

I want to make a generic class that accepts only serializable classes, can it be done with the where constraint? The concept I'm looking for is this: public class MyClass<T> where T : //[is serializable/has the serializable attribute] ...

MDX: Calculated Dimensions?

I don't know if this is possible or not, or if my limited knowledge of MDX is pushing me in the wrong direction... The cube I'm dealing with has two different dimensions for dates, [Statement Dates] and [Premium Dates]. Further in the hierarchy of each looks like this: [Statement Dates].[Statement Year].[2008] [Payment Dates].[Payment...

Joins and where conditions

I have the following (shortened query): SELECT `Statistics`.`StatisticID`, COUNT(DISTINCT `Flags`.`FlagType`) AS `FlagCount` FROM `Statistics` LEFT JOIN `Flags` ON `Statistics`.`StatisticID` = `Flags`.`StatisticID` WHERE `FlagCount` = 0 GROUP BY `Statistics`.`StatisticID` ORDER BY `SubmittedTime` DESC LIMIT 0, 10 Now, neither...

How to do a WHERE...IN... clause in LinqToSql?

Bear with me, I'm beginning: How can I select multiple elements using a WHERE...IN... type of clause as in select * from orders where orderid in (1, 4, 5) in LinqToSql? I'd prefer not to have a lambda expression since they scare me. Thanks in advance! ...

In SQL how to compare date values?

Using MySQL syntax and having a table with a row like: mydate DATETIME NULL, Is there a way to do something like: ... WHERE mydate<='2008-11-25'; I'm trying but not really getting it to work. ...

Mysql "magic" catch all column for select statement

Is there a way that I can do a select as such select * from attributes where product_id = 500 would return id name description 1 wheel round and black 2 horn makes loud noise 3 window solid object you can see through and the query select * from attributes where product_id = 234 would return the same results ...

Execution order of conditions in SQL 'where' clause

I have a set of conditions in my where clause like WHERE d.attribute3 = 'abcd*' AND x.STATUS != 'P' AND x.STATUS != 'J' AND x.STATUS != 'X' AND x.STATUS != 'S' AND x.STATUS != 'D' AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 1 < x.CREATION_TIMESTAMP Which of these conditions will be executed first? I am using oracle. Will I get these details in m...

NHibernate - how to save object with where clause

I don't know how to save object with where clause. I need it to prevent saving object with range of dates overlapping on others. public class TaskEvent { public DateTime StartDate {get;set;} public DateTime EndDate {get;set;} } I want to check overlaping in criteria within saving operation but I don't know how. Any ideas? ...

SQL Conditional Where

Hi there, I have a Stored Procedure called spGetOrders which accepts a few parameters: @startdate and @enddate. This queries an "Orders" table. One of the columns in the table is called "ClosedDate". This column will hold NULL if an order hasn't been closed or a date value if it has. I'd like to add a @Closed parameter which will ta...

SELECT WHERE ... hundreds of conditions

Is there an elegant way to do this: SELECT Cols from MyTable WHERE zip = 90210 OR zip = 23310 OR zip = 74245 OR zip = 77427 OR zip = 18817 OR zip = 94566 OR zip = 34533 OR zip = 96322 OR zip = 34566 OR zip = 52214 OR zip = 73455 OR zip = 52675 OR zip = 54724 OR zip = 98566 OR zip = 92344 OR zip = 90432 OR zip = 91532 OR ... (zip codes...

LINQ where Clause doubt

I have tried one where clause in Linq to get details about Users those who are Active and AllowLogin is also true. So how can I compare the table values (both are boolean values) with true or false? ...

sql query performance using somewhat strange where clause

Hi, I've got a funny question for you, sql gurus out there (or maybe inhere?). I got this habit when I need to construct a query at runtime. In order to avoid multiple 'if' checks I just go and write 'where true '. Then the rest is another part of the clause in the form, of course of ' and true ...' and continues with useful filtering. ...

How to use an aliased column in a MySQL WHERE clause?

I have a MySQL query like this: SELECT *, SUM(...some SQL removed for brevety) AS Occurrences FROM some_table AS q WHERE criterion="value" GROUP BY q.P_id ORDER BY Occurrences DESC LIMIT 10; I want to restrict the results to rows where Occurrences>0. This seems very simple to me, but I can't seem to make it work. No matter what I tr...

Quickest way to prevent SQL returning data older than Given

Hey there I have a pretty complex database with loads of different tables for different things, every thing of which has a timestamp (Y-M-D h:m:s format) Is there a way I can limit my SQL query to just results from a certain timespan, for example a week ago? If needbe I have a function to convert these timestamps into unix as sqlToUn...

why cant I use a temp column in the where clause?

for example this query: Select product_brand, (CASE WHEN COUNT(product_brand)>50 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS brand_count FROM products WHERE 1 GROUP BY product_brand This brings up 2 columns one called product_brand and one called brand_count, brand_count is created on the fly and is always 1 or 0 depending on wh...

LINQ to SQL and Join two tables with OR clause

Let's say I have Plans and Documents Dim myPlans = _context.Plans.Where(predicate1) Dim myDocuments = _context.Documents.Where(predicate2) I have structured the where clause for each using PredicateBuilder. So, myPlans and myDocuments have a correct SQL statement. What I'd like to do is join these two tables into one linq statement. ...

SubSonic 2.1 SqlQuery multiple Where()s?

I'm building a SqlQuery to support an ad-hoc query screen. I want something like this: SqlQuery q = new Select().From<VwInstitutes>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) { q.Where(VwInstitutes.Columns.AssignedUser).IsEqualTo(username); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stage)) { q.Where(VwInstitutes.Columns.Stage).IsEqualTo(stage...

SQL SELECT WHERE Trouble any ideas helpful

I have two tables parent and child (related as such on PK/FK GUID) Child has a Timestamp (the record creation date/time). What I want to do is get only the most recent child record AND the parent record, FOR EACH parent record. SELECT dbo_Parents.ParentName, dbo_ChildEntry.CountPropertys, dbo_ChildEntry.DateTimeStamp FR...


Hello, In my program, we store a user's IP address in a record. When we display a list of records to a user, we don't want to give away the other user's IP, so we SHA1 hash it. Then, when the user clicks on a record, it goes to a URL like this: http://www.example.com/allrecordsbyipaddress.php?ipaddress=SHA1HASHOFTHEIPADDRESS Now, I ne...

Multiple columns after a WHERE in PHP?

Hey all, just a quick question (should be an easy fix I think). In a WHERE statement in a query, is there a way to have multiple columns contained inside? Here is my code: $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='$myusername' and pwd='$pass'"; What I want to do is add another column after the WHERE (called priv_level = '$privle...