



I want to make a generic class that accepts only serializable classes, can it be done with the where constraint?

The concept I'm looking for is this:

public class MyClass<T> where T : //[is serializable/has the serializable attribute]
+9  A: 

Nope, I'm afraid not. The only things you can do with constraints are:

  • where T : class - T must be a reference type
  • where T : struct - T must be a non-nullable value type
  • where T : SomeClass - T must be SomeClass or derive from it
  • where T : ISomeInterface - T must be ISomeInterface or implement it
  • where T : new() - T must have a public parameterless constructor

Various combinations are feasible, but not all. Nothing about attributes.

Jon Skeet
+2  A: 

Afraid not. Best you can do is a runtime check on Type.IsSerializable.

Mark Brackett
+3  A: 

What I know; you can not do this. Have you though about adding an 'Initialize' method or something similar?

public void Initialize<T>(T obj)
     object[] attributes = obj.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SerializableAttribute));
     if(attributes == null || attributes.Length == 0)
          throw new InvalidOperationException("The provided object is not serializable");

I haven't tested this code, but I hope that you get my point.

If you're going to do a runtime test, the IsDefined method is simpler:
Jon Skeet
Yeah, I had though of a runtime check, but wanted to use the where constraint. Thanks for the answer anyway
Juan Manuel
Jon: You are absolutely right about this. I don't know how I've missed the IsDefined method, but thank you for pointing it out!

If you are looking for any class that is serializable, I think you are out of luck. If you are looking for objects that you have created, you could create a base class that is serializable and have every class you want to support derive from it.

Austin Salonen