You are looking for PIVOT:
Here is a best shot with the info you gave, I do something similar in one of my apps. You may need to use a dynamic SQL query if the pivot values change.
FROM [Values]
PIVOT (Max([Date])
FOR [Product]
IN ('put date ranges here')) pvt
here is what mine looks like, this will allow for a set of different values. This is used in a form builder to retrive the values of user input
--//Get a comma delimited list of field names from the field table for this form
DECLARE @FieldNames varchar(max)
SELECT @FieldNames = COALESCE(@FieldNames + ', ', '') + '[' + CAST([FieldName] AS varchar(max)) + ']'
FROM [Fields]
WHERE [FormID] = @FormID
--//create a dynamic sql pivot table that will bring our
--//fields and values together to look like a real sql table
DECLARE @SQL varchar(max)
FROM (SELECT [Values].[RowID]
FROM [Values]
INNER JOIN [Fields] ON [Fields].[FieldID] = [Values].[FieldID]
WHERE [Fields].[FormID] = ''' + @FormID + ''') p
PIVOT (Max([Value])
FOR [FieldName]
IN (' + @FieldNames + ')) pvt'
--//execute our sql to return the data