



Anyone tinkering with python long enough has been bit (or torn to pieces) by the following issue:

def foo(a=[]):
    return a

Python novices would expect this function to always return a list with only one element: [5]. The result is instead very different, and very astonishing (for a novice):

>>> foo()
>>> foo()
[5, 5]
>>> foo()
[5, 5, 5]
>>> foo()
[5, 5, 5, 5]
>>> foo()

A manager of mine once had his first encountered with this feature, and called it "a dramatic design flaw" of the language. I replied that the behavior had an underlying explanation, and it is indeed very puzzling and unexpected if you don't understand the internals. However, I was not able to answer (to myself) the following question: what is the reason for binding the default argument at function definition, and not at function execution? I doubt the experienced behavior has a practical use (who really used static variables in C, without breeding bugs ?)


Baczek made an interesting example. Together with most of your comments and Utaal's in particular, I elaborated further:

>>> def a():
...     print "a executed"
...     return []
>>> def b(x=a()):
...     x.append(5)
...     print x
a executed
>>> b()
>>> b()
[5, 5]

To me, it seems that the design decision was relative to where to put the scope of parameters: inside the function or "together" with it? Doing the binding inside the function would mean that x is effectively bound to the specified default when the function is called, not defined, something that would present a deep flaw: the def line would be "hybrid" in the sense that part of the binding (of the function object) would happen at definition, and part (assignment of default parameters) at function invocation time.

The actual behavior is more consistent: everything of that line gets evaluated when that line is executed, meaning at function definition.

Guido is a fantastic designer.


I reread all the very interesting and good answers you provided, and it was hard to assign a "correct tickmark", as everyone had good points in the answer. I marked Roberto's answer as correct because it was simpler and revealing, so that newcomers browsing this question can start from his answer and then delve into remaning more complex (but very insightful) answers.

+12  A: 

Suppose you have the following code

fruits = ("apples", "bannanas", "loganberries")

def eat(food=fruits):

When I see the declaration of eat, the least astonishing thing is to think that if the first parameter is not given, that it will be equal to the tuple ("apples", "bannanas", "loganberries")

However, supposed later on in the code, I do something like

def some_random_function():
    global fruits
    fruits = ("blueberries", "mangos")

then if default parameters were bound at function execution rather than function declaration then I would be astonished (in a very bad way) to discover that fruits had been changed. This would be more astonishing IMO than discovering that your foo function above was mutating the list.

The real problem lies with mutable variables, and all languages have this problem to some extent. Here's a question: suppose in Java I have the following code:

StringBuffer s = "Hello World!";
Map<StringBuffer,Integer> counts = new HashMap<StringBuffer,Integer>();
counts.put(s, 5);
System.out.println( counts.get(s) );  // does this work?

Now, does my map use the value of the StringBuffer key when it was placed into the map, or does it store the key by reference? Either way, someone is astonished; either the person who tried to get the object out of the Map using a value identical to the one they put it in with, or the person who can't seem to retrieve their ovject even though the key they're using is literally the same object that was used to put it into the map. (This is actually why Python doesn't allow its mutable builtin data types to be used as dictionary keys.)

Your example is a good one of a case where Python newcomers will be surprised and bitten. But I'd argue that if we fixed this, then that would only create a different situation where they'd be bitten instead, and that one would be even less intuitive. Moreover, this is always the case when dealing with mutable variables; you always run into cases where someone could intuitively expect one or the opposite behavior depending on what code they're writing.

I personally like Python's current approach: default function arguments are evaluated when the function is defined and that object is always the default. I suppose they could special-case using an empty list, but that kind of special casing would cause even more astonishment, not to mention be backwards incompatible.

Eli Courtwright
I think it's a matter of debate. You are acting on a global variable. Any evaluation performed anywhere in your code involving your global variable will now (correctly) refer to ("blueberries", "mangos"). the default parameter could just be like any other case.
Stefano Borini
Actually, I don't think I agree with your first example. I'm not sure I like the idea of modifying an initializer like that in the first place, but if I did, I'd expect it to behave exactly as you describe — changing the default value to `("blueberries", "mangos")`.
Ben Blank
The default parameter *is* like any other case. What is unexpected is that the parameter is a global variable, and not a local one. Which in turn is because the code is executed at function definition, not call. Once you get that, and that the same goes for classes, it's perfectly clear.
Lennart Regebro
+9  A: 

Well, the reason is quite simply that bindings are done when code is executed, and the function definition is executed, well... when the functions is defined.

Compare this:

class BananaBunch:
    bananas = []

    def addBanana(self, banana):

This code suffers from the exact same unexpected happenstance. bananas is a class attribute, and hence, when you add things to it, it's added to all classes. The reason is exactly the same.

It's just "How It Works", and making it work differently in the function case would probably be complicated, and in the class case likely impossible, or at least slow down object instantiation a lot, as you would have to keep the class code around and execute it when objects are created.

Yes, it is unexpected. But once the penny drops, it fits in perfectly with how Python works in general. In fact, it's a good teaching aid, and once you understand why this happens, you'll grok python much better.

That said it should feature prominently in any good Python tutorial. Because as you mention, everyone runs into this problem sooner or later.

Lennart Regebro
How do you define a class attribute that is different for each instance of a class?
If it's different for each instance it's not a class attribute. Class attributes are attributes on the CLASS. Hence the name. Hence they are the same for all instances.
Lennart Regebro
He wasn't asking for a description of Python's behavior, he was asking for the rationale. Nothing in Python is just "How It Works"; it all does what it does for a reason.
Glenn Maynard
And I gave the rationale.
Lennart Regebro
I wouldn't say that this "it's a good teaching aid", because it's not.
How do you define an attribute in a class that is different for each instance of a class? (Re-defined for those who could not determine that a person not familiar with Python's naming convenctions might be asking about normal member variables of a class).
@Geo: Except that it is. It helps you understand a lot of things in Python.
Lennart Regebro
@Kievieli: You ARE talking about normal member variables of a class. :-) You define instance attributes by saying self.attribute = value in any method. For example __init__().
Lennart Regebro
+2  A: 

This behavior is easy explained by:

  1. function (class etc.) declaration is executed only once, creating all default value objects
  2. everything is passed by reference


def x(a=0, b=[], c=[], d=0):
    a = a + 1
    b = b + [1]
    print a, b, c
  1. a doesn't change - every assignment call creates new int object - new object is printed
  2. b doesn't change - new array is build from default value and printed
  3. c changes - operation is performed on same object - and it is printed
Your #4 could be confusing to people, since integers are immutable and so that "if" is not true. For instance, with d set to 0, d.__add__(1) would return 1, but d would still be 0.
(Actually, __add__ is a bad example, but integers being immutable still is my main point.)
yes, that wasn't good example
Realized it to my chagrin after checking to see that, with b set to [], b.__add__([1]) returns [1] but also leaves b still [] even though lists are mutable. My bad.
+5  A: 

What you're asking is why this:

def func(a=[], b = 2):

isn't internally equivalent to this:

def func(a=None, b = None):
    a_default = lambda: []
    b_default = lambda: 2
    def actual_func(a=None, b=None):
        if a is None: a = a_default()
        if b is None: b = b_default()
    return actual_func
func = func()

except for the case of explicitly calling func(None, None), which we'll ignore.

In other words, instead of evaluating default parameters, why not store each of them, and evaluate them when the function is called?

One answer is probably right there--it would effectively turn every function with default parameters into a closure. Even if it's all hidden away in the interpreter and not a full-blown closure, the data's got to be stored somewhere. It'd be slower and use more memory.

Glenn Maynard
It wouldn't need to be a closure - a better way to think of it would simply to make the bytecode creating defaults the first line of code - after all you're compiling the body at that point anyway - there's no real difference between code in the arguments and code in the body.
True, but it would still slow Python down, and it would actually be quite surprising, unless you do the same for class definitions, which would make it stupidly slow as you would have to re-run the whole class definition each time you instantiate a class.As mentioned, the fix would be more surprising than the problem.
Lennart Regebro
Agreed with Lennart. As Guido is fond of saying, for every language feature or standard library, there's *someone* out there using it.
Jason Baker
Changing it now would be insanity--we're just exploring why it is the way it is. If it did late default evaluation to begin with, it wouldn't necessarily be surprising.It's definitely true that such a core a difference of parsing would have sweeping, and probably many obscure, effects on the language as a whole.
Glenn Maynard
+5  A: 

It's a performance optimization. As a result of this functionality, which of these two function calls do you think is faster?

def print_tuple(some_tuple=(1,2,3)):
    print some_list

print_tuple()        #1
print_tuple((1,2,3)) #2

I'll give you a hint. Here's the disassembly:


0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (print_tuple)
3 CALL_FUNCTION            0
7 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)


 0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (print_tuple)
 3 LOAD_CONST               4 ((1, 2, 3))
 6 CALL_FUNCTION            1
10 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)

I doubt the experienced behavior has a practical use (who really used static variables in C, without breeding bugs ?)

As you can see, there is a performance benefit when using immutable default arguments. This can make a difference if it's a frequently called function. Also, bear in mind that Python isn't C. In C you have constants that are pretty much free. In Python you don't have this benefit.

Jason Baker
how do you obtain the dissasembly?
Use the dis module:
Jason Baker
+9  A: 

I know nothing about the python interpreter inner workings (and I'm not an expert in compilers and interpreters either) so don't blame me if I propose anything unsensible or impossible.

Provided that python objects are mutable I think that this should be taken into account when designing the default arguments stuff. When you instantiate a list:

a = []

you expect to get a new list referenced by a.

Why should the a=[] in

def x(a=[]):

instantiate a new list on function definition and not on invocation? It's just like you're asking "if the user doesn't provide the argument than instantiate a new list and use it as if it was produced by the caller". I think this is ambiguous instead:

def x(

user, do you want a to default to the datetime corresponding to when you're defining or executing x? In this case, as in the previous one, I'll keep the same behaviour as if the default argument "assignment" was the first instruction of the function ( called on function invocation). On the other hand, if the user wanted the defintion-time mapping he could write:

b =
def x(a=b):

I know, I know: that's a closure. Alternatively python might provide a keyword to force definition-time binding:

def x(static a=b):
You could do:def x(a=None): And then, if a is None, set
I know, that was just an example to explain why I would prefer execution-time binding.
excellent example!
lovely example indeed.

This would be a good time for you to google for "python gotchas" and learn to avoid the others :-)

  • Paddy.

You should not be using mutable objects for default argument values, it is far safer to do

def foo(a=None):
    if a == None:
        a = []
    return a
Christian Witts
-1: I know, but that's not the purpose of the question ;)
Stefano Borini
+4  A: 

I used to think that creating the objects at runtime would be the better approach. I'm less certain now, since you do lose some useful features, though it may be worth it regardless simply to prevent newbie confusion. The disadvantages of doing so are:

1. Performance

def foo(arg=something_expensive_to_compute())):

If call-time evaluation is used, then the expensive function is called every time your function is used without an argument. You'd either pay an expensive price on each call, or need to manually cache the value externally, polluting your namespace and adding verbosity.

2. Forcing bound parameters

A useful trick is to bind parameters of a lambda to the current binding of a variable when the lambda is created. For example:

funcs = [ lambda i=i: i for i in range(10)]

This returns a list of functions that return 0,1,2,3... respectively. If the behaviour is changed, they will instead bind i to the call-time value of i, so you would get a list of functions that all returned 9.

The only way to implement this otherwise would be to create a further closure with the i bound, ie:

def make_func(i): return lambda: i
funcs = [make_func(i) for i in range(10)]

3. Introspection

Consider the code:

def foo(a='test', b=100, c=[]):
   print a,b,c

We can get information about the arguments and defaults using the inspect module, which

>>> inspect.getargspec(foo)
(['a', 'b', 'c'], None, None, ('test', 100, []))

This information is very useful for things like document generation, metaprogramming, decorators etc.

Now, suppose the behaviour of defaults could be changed so that this is the equivalent of:

_undefined = object()  # sentinel value

def foo(a=_undefined, b=_undefined, c=_undefined)
    if a is _undefined: a='test'
    if b is _undefined: b=100
    if c is _undefined: c=[]

However, we've lost the ability to introspect, and see what the default arguments are. Because the objects haven't been constructed, we can't ever get hold of them without actually calling the function. The best we could do is to store off the source code and return that as a string.

you could achieve introspection also if for each there was a function to create the default argument instead of a value. the inspect module will just call that function.
@SilentGhost: I'm talking about if the behaviour was changed to recreate it - creating it once is the current behaviour, and why the mutable default problem exists.
@yairchu: That assumes the construction is safe to so (ie has no side effects). Introspecting the args shouldn't *do* anything, but evaluating arbitrary code could well end up having an effect.
A different language design often just means writing things differently. Your first example could easily be written as: _expensive = expensive(); def foo(arg=_expensive), if you specifically *don't* want it reevaluated.
Glenn Maynard
(Comments on this site are quite broken.)
Glenn Maynard
@Glenn - that's what I was referring to with "cache the variable externally" - it is a bit more verbose, and you end up with extra variables in your namespace though.
I think the comment problems are because they've implented restricted markdown for comments, so your \_ is being treated as italic. `if this shows as code, then you can use backticks to prevent it`
@SilentGhost: Actually, rereading that, I can see your point - I worded that pretty badly. Edited to clarify my meaning.
+1  A: 

the shortest answer would probably be "definition is execution", therefore the whole argument makes no strict sense. as a more contrived example, you may cite this:

def a(): return []

def b(x=a()):
    print x

hopefully it's enough to show that not executing the default argument expressions at the execution time of the def statement isn't easy or doesn't make sense, or both.

i agree it's a gotcha when you try to use default constructors, though.


what is the reason for binding the default argument at function definition, and not at function execution?

Well, the default argument is getting bound at runtime (not definition).

My understanding is that the behavior stems from the following facts:

  1. For arguments, Python handles basic types by value (lifetime: function call) and non-basic types by reference (lifetime: reference counting).
  2. It seems to assign a static lifetime to default arguments of non-basic types.

So when needs to use the default argument (non-basic type), it finds the one already allocated.

Following demonstrates the difference in handling of basic and non-basic types.

def foo(a=[]):
    print "foo:",a

def bar(a=0):
    a += 1
    print "bar:",a



foo: [5]
foo: [5, 5]
bar: 1
bar: 1
@Lennart: python handles everything as references to values, and these values can either be immutable (like an integer) or mutable (like a list, or dict). The nature of dynamic languages like python is that the type stays with the value, not with the container of the value. In python, the "container of the value" (the variable name) is just a name to refer to the value. If both a and b have value of 1, means that both a and b are referring to the integer object 1. you don't see this because 1 is immutable, but if it's a list, and both a and b refer to it, modifications are visible in both.
Stefano Borini
Yes, you are of course correct, and I was surprise that you aimed this as me. Then I say I has had a slip and written value, when I meant reference. ;-) So I'll try again:@ziffusion: Python handles everything as reference, always. And lists are just as basic as integers.There, that's better. :)
Lennart Regebro
uh? I am confused. why did I address my comment to you ?
Stefano Borini
I said "value", when I should have said "reference". (I deleted that comment).
Lennart Regebro
aha! :) (I need more sleep)
Stefano Borini

It may be true that:

  1. Someone is using every language/library feature, and
  2. Switching the behavior here would be ill-advised, but

it is entirely consistent to hold to both of the features above and still make another point:

  1. It is a confusing feature and it is unfortunate in Python.

The other answers, or at least some of them either make points 1 and 2 but not 3, or make point 3 and downplay points 1 and 2. But all three are true.

It may be true that switching horses in midstream here would be asking for significant breakage, and that there could be more problems created by changing Python to intuitively handle Stefano's opening snippet. And it may be true that someone who knew Python internals well could explain a minefield of consequences. However,

The existing behavior is not Pythonic, and Python is successful because very little about the language violates the principle of least astonishment anywhere near this badly. It is a real problem, whether or not it would be wise to uproot it. It is a design flaw. If you understand the language much better by trying to trace out the behavior, I can say that C++ does all of this and more; you learn a lot by navigating, for instance, subtle pointer errors. But this is not Pythonic: people who care about Python enough to persevere in the face of this behavior are people who are drawn to the language because Python has far fewer surprises than other language. Dabblers and the curious become Pythonistas when they are astonished at how little time it takes to get something working--not because of a design fl--I mean, hidden logic puzzle--that cuts against the intuitions of programmers who are drawn to Python because it Just Works.

+50  A: 

Actually, this is not a design flaw, and it is not because of internals, or performance.
It comes simply from the fact that functions in Python are first-class objects, and not only a piece of code.

As soon as you get to think into this way, then it completely makes sense: a function is an object being evaluated on its definition; default parameters are kind of "member data" and therefore their state may change from one call to the other - exactly as in any other object.

In any case, Effbot has a very nice explanation of the reasons for this behavior in Default Parameter Values in Python.
I found it very clear, and I really suggest reading it for a better knowledge of how function objects work.

Roberto Liffredo
+1: I wish I could vote more, actually. You have a very clear point and the article you suggested is indeed amazing.
Stefano Borini
+1: great answer!
What do you mean by "first-class objects", Roberto? Is this it, the "programmer's note" right above the "class definitions"?
I mean that they are "objects", not much different from what you create by instantiating a class.
Roberto Liffredo
Good answer, but I still think that it is a design flaw