





I am trying to load icons from a jar file. I have both tried to load it from classes within the jar file as well as classes outside the jar file.

outside of the jarfile - returned a null exception

java.net.URL imageURL = LoadHTMLExample.class.getClassLoader()

in side of the jar file in the LoadHTMLExample

java.net.URL imageURL = this.getClass().getClassLoader()

get the same error.

I have also tried variations of "icons", "/icons" "icons/" "/icons/mouse.png" "icons/mouse.png"

nothing seems to work any idea

the icon is in the jar file

 --icons --- {all the images}


I've always used the system class loader, whose path is relative to the root of the JAR:

URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource("icons/mouse.png");
Icon icon = new ImageIcon(url);
Steve Kuo
+3  A: 

Skip the class loader, and get the resource as a stream instead. If you don't need the URL you can turn them directly into BufferedImages like so. I've left the stream and exception handling as a further exercise.

InputStream stream = LoadHTMLExample.class
    .getResourceAsStream( "/icons/mouse.png" );
BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read( stream );

Questioner needs the URL which brings us back to everyone else's suggestions. The images are definitely in the jar aren't they?

Class.getResourceAsStream() just delegates to the ClassLoader. It's essentially the same thing.
I need the URL, a webrenderobject is going to use the resource location to pull the icons
also tried you method, and image keeps is always null, so either way isn't working...what is blocking the reading of a jar file?
+1  A: 

I think that getResource gets the resource relative to the location of LoadHTMLExample.class. So your jarfile should be structured in the following way:

 |- ...
 |- LoadHTMLExample.class
 |- ...
 \-- icons
      \- mourse.png

Also, you might be getting stream through getResourceAsStream than getting the URL.

Alternatively, change the path from *icons/mourse.png* to */icons/mourse.png* (note the '/' at the beginning).
Peter Štibraný
tried that didn't work
Everything else considered, you definitely need to do what Peter suggested, because to load "icons/mouse.png" means to load it relative to the class. In your JAR you have icons off the root, so you must prefix with a foreslash.
Dan Gravell
I did that too, and it didn't work
I got it to work! final java.net.URL imageURL3 = com.java.html.LoadHTMLExample.class.getResource( "icons/" );that works for the above diagram

Is the jar in question on the classpath of your runtime? I have a jar with PNGs in it, and I can recreate the nulls if I don't include it on the classpath. If the jar is there they go away.


final java.net.URL imageURL3 = com.java.html.LoadHTMLExample.class.getResource( "icons/" );

works for the below directory structure

myjar.jar | |- ... |- LoadHTMLExample.class |- ... -- icons | - mourse.png

Thanks for the help everyone