Anyone using JRUBY on Rails with FeedTools? I'm getting the following error when I try to run FeedTools: NameError (undefined local variable or method `parser' for YAML:Module):.
I've tracked the code down to monkey_patch.rb. It is bombing on the parser line, but I'm new to Ruby and Rails and couldn't debug it on my own. What's weird is it works fine with plain old Rails and Ruby. I need JRuby because I'm trying to deploy on a Java container.
`require 'rexml/document' require 'yaml'
module YAML def YAML.dump( obj, io = nil ) if obj.kind_of?(FeedTools::Feed) || obj.kind_of?(FeedTools::FeedItem) # Dangit, you WILL NOT serialize these things. obj.instance_variable_set("@xml_document", nil) obj.instance_variable_set("@root_node", nil) obj.instance_variable_set("@channel_node", nil) end obj.to_yaml( io || io2 = ) io || ( io2.rewind; ) end
def YAML.load( io )
**yp = parser.load( io )**
if yp.kind_of?(FeedTools::Feed) || yp.kind_of?(FeedTools::FeedItem)
# No really, I'm serious, you WILL NOT deserialize these things.
yp.instance_variable_set("@xml_document", nil)
yp.instance_variable_set("@root_node", nil)
yp.instance_variable_set("@channel_node", nil)