




I have the following in .screenrc

 # I want to use Vim's navigation keys
 bind h focus down
 bind t focus up

I would like to be able to move by Ctrl-A t to a next window, while by `Ctrl-A h to the previous window.

However, the above mappings do not work anymore for me.

How can you move between windows in Screen?


If you start screen then type Ctrl-A ?, you'll see the help page, which lists next [n] and prev [p]. I believe that binding to next and prev instead of focus will do what you want.

Kyle Burton
I use C-T as a action key in Screen at the moment so, please, do not get confused by my help -window. I get the following help: http://files.getdropbox.com/u/175564/screen-help.png
+1  A: 
bind h prev
bind t next
Sean Bright
@ Do you know which is the binding if I want to move vertically between split windows? --- Neither of the commands move between Splits which I want to.
I hadn't realized you were talking about split windows. The bindings you specified in your original question works fine for me here.
Sean Bright
@Sean: I get `E73: tag stack empty` after trying to move up to the second split. The commands worked for me initially too. However, the problem started to occur after structuring my .screenrc by sourcing.
My .screenrc has `meta` as `C-A t`. I put unsuccessfully to my .screenrc `bind t`, but the binding persists.
Can you just post your entire .screenrc file?
Sean Bright
@Sean: My .screenrc is at http://github.com/masi/Sam/blob/17b0750c5c3a98a44392afd095a1140fd3f7ba17/.screenrc, while its sources at http://github.com/masi/bin/tree/34a19262f85aeeb2fbd334d68f051f2a8966aa49/screen
In mappings-in-all-modes.screen you are binding h and t twice. Once to focus up/down and then to next/prev. The one later in the file will overwrite the previous. So based on the value of your escape you should type Ctrl-T t and Ctrl-T h to move between split windows.
Sean Bright
@Sean: Yes, I agree with you that `Ctrl-T t` and `Ctrl-T h` should be the keys. However, I get the following error continuously after typing one of them http://files.getdropbox.com/u/175564/screen-stack.png