Do you know where a can find a web site template for a web site that would look like Office 2007. I am looking for the right colors, hover, etc.
Not exactly what you mean, but I always though Extjs looked sort of like Office. Not exactly, but close. If you want a JS framework, that one might be what you want, or you could skin it.
If you're just looking for a CSS template, I have no idea.
2009-07-16 00:23:22
This is a step in the right direction. They have the right colors. I would prefer to avoid java script if possible.
tom greene
2009-07-16 00:30:07
Perhaps check something like, or similar template websites... To be honest, though, you're probably better off using GIMP or Photoshop to re-create the buttons to your liking.
Not sure if this is really applicable, as I didn't look into whether or not this is intended for only platform applications, but microsoft allows you to license office 2007's ui:
2009-07-16 00:40:07