



I'm using the encode() method from the sun.misc.BASE64Encoder package. How do I suppress the compiler warnings that it generates?

sun.misc.BASE64Encoder is Sun proprietary API and may be removed in

And as a followup, why don't I see this warning in Eclipse?

+5  A: 

because you cannot disable this warning

see also JeeBee answer
+7  A: 

You could switch to a different Base64 implementation, e.g., which is part of the Apache commons packages, which you might already have included in your classpath, or which you could just take the implementation and stick in your source tree if you don't want another Jar on the path.


Encapsulate the call in a class which you place in a library jar on your classpath. Then the warning only shows when that library is recompiled.

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
+2  A: 

You can't switch them off, Eclipse simply filters them for you (if told to do so).

Quick interim fix on Linux:

javac *.java 2>&1 | pcregrep -v -M ".*Sun proprietary API.*\n.*\n.*\^"

2>&1 ... puts STDERR into STDOUT, so the pipeline "|" will work

pcregrep might or might not be present on your system - if not, use your package utility (e.g. on Debian, Ubuntu etc: "sudo apt-get install pcregrep")

The expression searches for the "Sun proprietary API" warning and the following two lines (containing the line and the "^" indicating the position of the error in the line).

I leave the "XY warnings." line in at the end, lest I forget there were warnings ;o) Note that if you have other warnings as well, the number reported there will of course not be correct :o)

NOTE also that standard "grep" does not work as well, because it can't span multiple lines.

+1  A: 

Eclipse does have a setting which (should) pick this up, see e.g. the desciption in the Eclipse 3.1 release notes:

Preferences → Java → Compiler → Errors/Warnings → Deprecated And Restricted API → Forbidden/Discouraged Reference

(and the project properties page to allow project-specific overrides of this setting)
