





I'm embedding a PDF in a web page with the following html :-

<object id="pdf" classid="clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000" width="1024"
            <param name="SRC" value="/GetDoc.ashx?SOID=<%=Html.Encode(Model.OrderID)%>" />
            <embed src="/GetDoc.ashx?SOID=<%=Html.Encode(Model.OrderID)%>  "
                width="1024" height="600">
            <noembed> Your browser does not support embedded PDF files. </noembed>                     

The PDF's can be a little slow to load so I'd like to hide the object and display a loading message / gif until it's fully loaded so the user isn't looking at a blank screen.

All I really need is a way of telling when the object is fully loaded. I've tried the 'onload' event of the but i never seems to get fired.

I'm beginning to think it might not be possible, but it never hurts to ask...


"Content within a tag is displayed when an object is loading, but hasn't yet finished."

So put your spinner in there and it should work out nicely for you. And you won't have to write any JavaScript.

src: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/XHTML/XHTML_Objects

I think the trouble is the activex object has loaded well before the pdf file is finally displayed. So I think content within the tag would only be displayed for a fraction of a second before the activex component takes over.

You are going to want something like jQuery's document.ready() function. For non-IE browsers, you can register a handler for the event DOMContentLoaded, and your handler function will be called after all the images and objects have been loaded. For IE, you have to continually check the document.readyState property, and wait for it to be "complete".

If you are using jQuery, they've done the hard work for you, so all you have to do is:

$(document).ready(function() {
    //take away the "loading" message here

If you don't want to use jquery, you'd have to do something like:

addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { 
    //take away the "loading" message here

function waitForIE() {

    if (!document.all) return;

    if (document.readyState == "complete") {
        //take away the "loading" message here
    else {
        setTimeout(waitForIE, 10);

Matt Bridges
DOMContentLoaded can fire well before the PDF shows up on the screen.
Did anyone use that approach? From the comments it looks like it's not working properly.I'm trying to display PDF on an ASP page from Silverlight and I can't set the <noembed> element in the <embed> as in the original question without getting an exception.
DOM Loaded fires before the PDF is loaded.

None of the recommendations are valid, because DOM is loaded before the PDF content is loaded. So DOM can't control ActiveX content

Michael Nemtsev
+1  A: 

Following code works.

<div style="background: transparent url(loading.gif) no-repeat">
<object height="1250px" width="100%" type="application/pdf" data="aaa.pdf">
<param value="aaa.pdf" name="src"/>
<param value="transparent" name="wmode"/>