




I've written a custom plugin for CKEditor--successful on all fronts, save one currently: I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to customize the image on the button in the toolbar of the editor. As I'm a new user, you'll have to click through to see attached image; the highlighted square in the top left should have a pretty picture (like most of the other toolbar items).

Thanks much for thoughts/advice/help.


Screenshot: http://imgur.com/ZNNKe.jpg


add an option, like:

icon : '/your/image/location'

i got problem, with adding onclick action to custom button, when it loads, it runs the action, but if i click on it, it does nothing.


Hi isparling

I'm looking for pointers for converting the youtube plugin from FCKEditor to CKEditor 3.

Have you any pointers? Have you an example of your plugin?


+4  A: 

Some info for others try to write plugins for CKEditor 3.0.

I've started by copying the source from plugins/flash and have now got a button with a youtube logo.... this is an extract from plugins/youtube/plugin.js

editor.ui.addButton( 'YouTube',
    label : editor.lang.common.youtube,
    command : 'youtube',
    icon: this.path + 'images/youtube.gif'

Also you'll need to edit you language file.... e.g. lang/en.js

Add your plugin name to the "common" section (this appears as a tooltip when you hover over the button) and add a whole block for your plugin, with all your strings, like this....

// YouTube Dialog
youtube :
 properties  : 'YouTube Properties',
 propertiesTab : 'Properties',
 title  : 'YouTube Properties',
 chkPlay  : 'Auto Play',
 chkLoop  : 'Loop',
 chkMenu  : 'Enable YouTube Menu',
 chkFull  : 'Allow Fullscreen',
 scale  : 'Scale',
 scaleAll  : 'Show all',
 scaleNoBorder : 'No Border',
 scaleFit  : 'Exact Fit',
 access   : 'Script Access',
 accessAlways : 'Always',
 accessSameDomain : 'Same domain',
 accessNever : 'Never',
 align  : 'Align',
 alignLeft : 'Left',
 alignAbsBottom: 'Abs Bottom',
 alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Middle',
 alignBaseline : 'Baseline',
 alignBottom : 'Bottom',
 alignMiddle : 'Middle',
 alignRight : 'Right',
 alignTextTop : 'Text Top',
 alignTop : 'Top',
 quality  : 'Quality',
 qualityBest   : 'Best',
 qualityHigh   : 'High',
 qualityAutoHigh  : 'Auto High',
 qualityMedium  : 'Medium',
 qualityAutoLow  : 'Auto Low',
 qualityLow   : 'Low',
 windowModeWindow  : 'Window',
 windowModeOpaque  : 'Opaque',
 windowModeTransparent  : 'Transparent',
 windowMode : 'Window mode',
 flashvars : 'Variables for YouTube',
 bgcolor : 'Background color',
 width : 'Width',
 height : 'Height',
 hSpace : 'HSpace',
 vSpace : 'VSpace',
 validateSrc : 'URL must not be empty.',
 validateWidth : 'Width must be a number.',
 validateHeight : 'Height must be a number.',
 validateHSpace : 'HSpace must be a number.',
 validateVSpace : 'VSpace must be a number.'
+1  A: 

russellfeed, could you give a run down of how you accomplished writing a plugin for CKeditor? I've been working on writing a plugin myself, and there seems to be a lot of very specific things to change in various files but there's no good documentation on the subject yet. So far I started by copying one of the existing plugins from the ckeditor/plugin folder and modifying it. Which files do you have to modify and what do you add to them?

+6  A: 

I have written a tutorial covering how to create an iframe (dialog) based plugin for ckeditor. I figured it out when I needed to migrate from fckeditor to ckeditor (due to a bug they wouldn't fix in fck).

Hope you guys find it useful! :)

how to create a ckeditor plugin

Very nice tutorial, got me started.
+1  A: 

Hi, these are some plugins for CKEditor 3.x

CKEditor Plugins

Highslide JS Plugin, LrcShow Plugin, FileIcon Plugin, InsertHtml Plugin, SyntaxHighlighter Plugin

Download: CKEditor 3.x Plugins


hey guys. how can you change the icon dynamically? i am writing a plugin that when clicked, will save a draft of what the user has entered. I want the icon to change, then change back, so it indicates it did something. is there something like editor.ui.editbutton and then i can change the path to the icon? also, it would be great if i can change the label tool. THanks!

+16  A: 

i have written a complete tutorial covering every aspect of CKeditor plugin development, including buttons, context menus, dialogs and more.

Great tutorial, thank you very much!
Michael Robinson