
CKEditor Custom Plugins Button

I've written a custom plugin for CKEditor--successful on all fronts, save one currently: I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to customize the image on the button in the toolbar of the editor. As I'm a new user, you'll have to click through to see attached image; the highlighted square in the top left should have a pretty pictur...

adding @font-face to CKEditor

I would like to add a font to the CKEditor font combo box. This in itself is easy enough. However the font I would like to add is a custom font that I use with the @font-face CSS3 attribute. I managed to do that but the editor itself does not show the custom font. If I just take the html created by CKEditor and show it in a div on the pa...

Inserting images in WYSIWYG editor

Hi all, At the moment I'm using CKeditor. It looks very good and is fast. But it lacks the ability to insert images from the server. I don't need to upload, only get a list of files and select the image to insert it. Is there a plugin, or maybe easy way to integrate it? Thanks! ...

ASP.NET MVC - CKEditor Image Upload

I am looking to include CKEditor in a project I am working on and I need the image upload support provided by the CKFinder plugin, however I do not particularly need the rest of the CKFinder tool and thus purchasing a license is a little overkill. Has anyone taken the time to implement a custom image uploader for CKEditor 3 that will wor...

Compare TinyMCE and CKeditor for a Wiki

For a custom wiki django-wakawaka, i want to be able to add a WYSIWYG support. TinyMCE is obviously the most popular plugin, used even by Wordpress. But CK-editor seems more feature full. Those who have used either of these or both, which is better and why. Are there some better packages, that I am missing? Is there something that I ...

How can you integrate a custom file browser/uploader with CKEditor?

The official documentation is less than clear - what's the correct way to integrate a custom file browser/uploader with CKEditor? (v3 - not FCKEditor) ...

Ckeditor Youtube Plugin

I am having some issue trying to find some type of plugin for Youtube and Ckeditor, any ideas? ...

CKEditor custom select menu

I am trying to add my own custom select menu to the new CKEditor. The API is a little confusing so I am unsure how to get this working. I am using the ui dialog function, but really not sure how to get it working. So far I have:, elementDefinition, htmlList); Anyone hav ideas on how to actually ge...

Input Validation When Using a Rich Text Editor

I have an ASP.NET MVC application and I'm using CKEditor for text entry. I have turned off input validation so the HTML created from CKEditor can be passed into the controller action. I am then showing the entered HTML on a web page. I only have certain buttons on CKEditor enabled, but obviously someone could send whatever text they wan...

custom Plugin for CKEditor 3.x

hi, this is the first time i am working with CKEditor. any one can explain how to create plugin for CKEditor and how to insert plugin button into toolbar ? Or Please give me a link to good tutorial. ...

CKEditor 3.0 Height

Is there a way to set the height of CKEditor 3.0 to a percentage, such as 100%, such that it takes up the whole window? I am currently using absolute values, but they do not blend well with my UI :( CKEDITOR.replace('editor1',{ height: '600px' }); ...

CKEDITOR not defined

OK, I'm using greasemonkey to replace an editor on a site that is using KTML (from 2006!) with CKEditor. I first get rid of KTML, then I load jQuery and then ckeditor.js and that works, apparently. But when I go to replace the textarea, firebug reports "CKEDITOR is not defined" and my textarea stays normal. Am I loading them in the wrong...

CKEditor within Swing based browser double ENTER problem

Background: To add some basic HTML/rich text editing to our application that is compatible with our web interface I am attempting to embedded CKEditor within the swing based webrenderer browser. Webrenderer acts like a swing component and then loads up my simple HTML page containing an invocation to start CKEditor. This works fine and ...

CKEditor 3.0 Plugins - Getting selected text/HTML

I have a plug in in the old FCKEditor I would like to rebuild. I saw an example that leveraged the iFrame code. The I've got the button defined and working, I get the dialog, but I cannot figure out how to get the selected text/html into the dialog so I can manipulate it. My plug in is an approximaiton of the MS File dialog box. When t...

WYSIWYG editor and loaded content trouble

Hello, I have a wysiwyg editor ckeditor. It has a textarea. Okay, everything works fine, but until I'm trying to load content which already has inputs elements (textarea). So, we have: <textarea id="ckeditor"> ... Loadable content ... <textarea id="some_other"></textarea> </textarea> As you see loadable textarea is closing ckedit...

Use javascript variable in object name

I am using CKEditor, and, when referring to the CKEditor instance, I need to use a variable. But, since calling the instance is a object, I am really not sure how to do this. I am using: CKEDITOR.instances.textarea123.insertHtml('<p>Whatever</p>'); The issue is, I need 123 to be a variable, because I need to change the instance base...

How do you insert a string of escaped HTML that is larger than 4096 bytes into a CKEditor instance?

I recently brushed up against Firefox's 4096 byte (4KB) limit for individual XML nodes when using Paul Schreiber's unescapeHtml string method to insert a large string of escaped HTML into a CKEditor instance. This approach did not handle a string over 4KB in size in Firefox 3.5.3 due to the browser splitting the content into multiple no...

CKEditor: Strange Characters after ajax submit

I am using ajax to gather the CKEditor content and submit it to the server. Once I look at it after it is submitted, all the html tags < and > have been converted to their html entities. This is not what I want, as I obviously need to preserve the HTML. Is there something I did wrong? ...

CKeditor character/word count

I need to display character count and word count with the new CKeditor. I tried to search for a plugin but there are none, except few hacks for the old fckeditor. ...

How do i customize the skin of CKEditor 3.0 (their docs are complicated)

How can i customize the skin for CKEditor 3.0 I downloaded a new skin and i have this js powering it at the moment: CKEDITOR.replace( 'pageBody', { toolbar : [ ['Format'], ['Bold', 'Italic', '-', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Link', '-', 'About'] ], }); I hope its simple ...