
How to unescape html in javascript?

I'm working with a web service that will give me values like: var text = "&lt;&lt;&lt;&amp;&amp;&amp;"; And i need to print this to look like "<<<&&&" with javascript. But here's the catch: i can't use inner HTML(I'm actually sending this values to a prototype library that creates Text Nodes so it doesn't unescape my raw html strin...

How do you insert a string of escaped HTML that is larger than 4096 bytes into a CKEditor instance?

I recently brushed up against Firefox's 4096 byte (4KB) limit for individual XML nodes when using Paul Schreiber's unescapeHtml string method to insert a large string of escaped HTML into a CKEditor instance. This approach did not handle a string over 4KB in size in Firefox 3.5.3 due to the browser splitting the content into multiple no...

Decode HTML entities in Python string?

I'm trying to work out if there is a better way to achieve the following: from lxml import html from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup("<p>&pound;682m</p>") text = soup.find("p").string print text >>> &pound;682m print html.fromstring(text).text >>> £682m So I'm trying to produce the same string that lxml retu...

nokogiri xml unescape

hi, i'm just trying out nokogiri xml builder, but am having some problem tying to unescape the content. have been spending a bit of time googgling but so far can't find the answer. any help would be greatly appreciated. #build xml docoument builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml| xml.root{ xml.node { xml.v...

JBoss equivalent to Apache's unescapeHtml?

Does anyone know a JBoss equivalent to Apache's unescapeHTML(String) function? ...

How to decode entities in Twitter statuses coming back from the search API, through JSON, in Java?

Twitter encodes some entities. They say at least < and >. They also say "When requesting XML, the response is UTF-8 encoded. Symbols and characters outside of the standard ASCII range may be translated to HTML entities." However it's unclear to me whether symbols outside ASCII range are encoded just if you request XML, or also th...

how to unescape XML in java

Hi, I need to unescape a xml string containing escaped XML tags: &lt; &gt; &amp; etc... I did find some libs that can perform this task, but i'd rather use a single method that can perform this task. Can someone help? cheers, Bas Hendriks ...

Ruby javascript unescape equivalent

I want to unescape the following string: '\u00020\u0002Standard\u00023\u0002Doe John\u000169\u0002\u0010\u0002Lorem\u0002\u0011\u0002Ipsum\u0002\u0014\u0002' Javascripts unescape function works ok, however how can I unescape it in ruby? Take in mind that unescape(previousString) is 0Standard3Doe John69LoremIpsum. ...

Prevent django admin from escaping html

Hi, I'm trying to display image thumbnails in django admin's list_display and I am doing it like this: from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe class PhotoAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): fields = ('title', 'image',) list_display = ('title', '_get_thumbnail',) def _get_thumbnail(self, obj): return mark_safe(u'<img src...

How can I decode a URL escape string in C#?

Possible Duplicate: how to decode url param with c# I want to change all those %20 ect. to spaces ect. ...

How do I programmatically check if a url needs unescaping in python?

Working on a small web spider in python, using the lxml module I have a segment of code which does an xpath query of the document and places all the links from 'a href' tags into a list. what I'd like to do is check each link as it is being added to the list, and if it is needed, unescape it. I understand using the urllib.unquote() funct...