



I'm using Netbeans (currently 6.7) and I really like how I can generate javadoc from my source code. However my tests also have documentation (valuable documentation!). Is there anyway I can generate javadocs (ideally for both at the same time).


+1  A: 

JUnit tests are productive, normal Java Code. They may contain normal JavaDoc comments.

Why don't you treat them like normal Java Code? Just run javadoc over this package and you're done.

You can generate your JavaDoc via the Build Menu.

Good luck!

Hi, I'm not sure you're familiar with netbeans and it's folder project structure. Tests are kept in a different directory than the other source code so you can't just run 'javadoc', I'd need to know how to run javadoc on two directories that hold the same packages and have javadoc merge them. Also, there is no Build Menu in Netbeans. You can generate javadoc for the src dir using the run menu but I want both src + tests. Thanks!