



I have some code in a python string that contains extraneous empty lines. I would like to remove all empty lines from the string. What's the most pythonic way to do this?

Note: I'm not looking for a general code re-formatter, just a quick one or two-liner.


+16  A: 

How about:

text = os.linesep.join([s for s in text.splitlines() if s])

where text is the string with the possible extraneous lines?

Lawrence Johnston
+1 to this for the use of splitlines(), which handles platform differences in line endings. Is there a benefit, though, to "if len(s)" as opposed to simply "if s"?
Jarret Hardie
Not that I know of. Just slipped my mind that Python treats empty strings as false. I just removed it.
Lawrence Johnston
len('\r\n') == 2 :) it's trickier than we expected
You're right about that one.
Lawrence Johnston
Use "if s.strip()" to treat whitespace as an "empty" line.
You could remove the square brackets to use a generator expression instead of a list comprehension. Or do this: `'\n'.join(filter(None, text.splitlines()))` -- although I've always had mixed feelings about `filter(None, ..)`.
John Fouhy
text = os.linesep.join([s for s in text.splitlines() if s]) will handle platform differences in a better way
You're right luc. Updated.
Lawrence Johnston
+5  A: 
"\n".join([s for s in code.split("\n") if s])


text = "".join([s for s in code.splitlines(True) if s.strip("\r\n")])

I think that's my final version. It should work well even with code mixing line endings. I don't think that line with spaces should be considered empty, but if so then simple s.strip() will do instead.

+1  A: 

This one will remove lines of spaces too.

re.replace(u'(?imu)^\s*\n', u'', code)


Suprised there's no love for the standard string replace method. But maybe it doesn't qualify as a one-liner, since it's just a plain old method call.

>>> manylines = 'hello\nworld\n!'
>>> print manylines

>>> no_linefeeds = manylines.replace('\n', '')
>>> print no_linefeeds
Question wasn't to remove linefeeds, but to remove blank lines. ie: "\n\n", not "\n".
+1  A: 
filter(None, code.splitlines())
filter(str.strip, code.splitlines())

are equivalent to

[s for s in code.splitlines() if s]
[s for s in code.splitlines() if s.strip()]

and might be useful for readability


And now for something completely different:

Python 1.5.2 (#0, Apr 13 1999, 10:51:12) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> import string, re
>>> tidy = lambda s: string.join(filter(string.strip, re.split(r'[\r\n]+', s)), '\n')
>>> tidy('\r\n   \n\ra\n\n   b   \r\rc\n\n')
'a\012   b   \012c'

Episode 2:

This one doesn't work on 1.5 :-(

BUT not only does it handle universal newlines and blank lines, it also removes trailing whitespace (good idea when tidying up code lines IMHO) AND does a repair job if the last meaningful line is not terminated.

import re
tidy = lambda c: re.sub(
    lambda m: '\n' if m.lastindex == 2 else '',
John Machin