I have a MySQL database hosted on a remote server and it is enabled to accept only SSL connection. When I connect to this database using Java JDBC with SSL options, it works fine. There is a special jdbc string that I use for JDBC connection as below "jdbc:mysql://:/?verifyServerCertificate=false&useSSL=true&requireSSL=true"
I need to use similar connection through PHP using the ADODB library.
I found few references over the web about using the ADODB mysqli extension
(reference http://mbrisby.blogspot.com/2008/06/adodb-php-mysql-ssl.html)
After creating a CA certificate (we'll say it's at /path/to/ca-cert.pem), make sure that the following item is in the [client] stanza of /etc/my.cnf or the connecting user's ~/.my.cnf on the client host:
Then try the following PHP program:
// these are part of the AdoDB library require '/path/to/adodb-exceptions.inc.php'; require '/path/to/adodb.inc.php';
/* * I got the '2048' from running * printf( "%d\n", MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL ) * in a PHP program (w/ the mysqli extention installed) */ $dsn = 'mysqli://ssluser:sslpass@dbhost/test?clientflags=2048';
$dbh = NewADOConnection($dsn);
$sql = "show status like 'ssl_cipher'"; $res =& $dbh->Execute($sql); print_r( $res->fields ); $res->Close();
Do I need the certificate information if I am connecting from a different machine to this mysql database?
Is there something similar to the JDBC string available for PHP?
It would be great if someone can post a working example
Thank you