
binding variables to parameters in ADOdb for PHP

does binding variables to parameters in ADOdb for PHP prevent SQL injection in any way? I thought ADOdb also did data sanitation or escaping within the same functionality by default. Or am I just confusing it with Code Igniter's built-in processes? ...

How do I get PHP to work with ADOdb and MySQL?

I'm trying to get a PHP site working in IIS on Windows Server with MySQL. I'm getting this error Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\inetpub...\adodb\drivers\ on line 363 Update This link outlines the steps I followed to install PHP on my server: How do I get PHP and MySQL working on IIS...

Sorting ADO recordset text field as numeric

Using VBA i have a set of functions that return an ADODB.Recordset where all the columns as adVarChar. Unfortunately this means numerics get sorted as text. So 1,7,16,22 becomes 1,16,22,7 Is there any methods that can sort numerics as text columns without resorting to changing the type of the column? Sub TestSortVarChar() Dim strBef...

Ignored columns using vb6 to extract from excel

I am trying to extract a table of values from an excel (2003) spreadsheet using vb6, the result of which needs to be stored in a (adodb) recordset. The table looks like this: Name Option.1 Option.2 Option.3 Option.4 Option.5 Option.6 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name1 2 ...

Another great error: Fatal error: Class 'COM' not found whilst trying to use ADODB

include('adodb5/'); $myServer = "localhost"; $myUser = "root"; $myPass = "root"; $myDB = "database"; //create an instance of the ADO connection object $conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("Cannot start ADO"); //define connection string, specify database driver $connStr = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;SERVER=...

Writing to multiple tables in PHP.

$sql = "INSERT INTO images (path, useremail, approved, flagged,caption,date) VALUES ('$target','$email',0,0, '$caption','$b')"; $sql1 = "INSERT INTO users (name, email, phone) VALUES ('$peoplename','$email','$phone')" $conn->execute($sql, $sql1); Above is the code Ι am using to try and write to 2 tables. Before Ι introduced connection ...

adodb and access changing ® to ®

Hi, i connecting to a access database with php and adodb. Strings with characters like ® are saved in the database as ® . What can i do to store it correctly? ...

What do you think is making this C++ code slow? (It loops through an ADODB recordset, converts COM types to strings, and fills an ostringstream)

This loop is slower than I would expect, and I'm not sure where yet. See anything? I'm reading an Accces DB, using client-side cursors. When I have 127,000 rows with 20 columns, this loop takes about 10 seconds. The 20 columns are string, int, and date types. All the types get converted to ANSI strings before they are put into th...

Using Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") in IE7

I have a 1.1 application that uses the following code to write out a file in the response: Dim objStream As Object objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") objStream.type = 1 objStream.loadfromfile(localfile) Response.BinaryWrite( This code ...

Classic ASP On Server 2008 & SQL 2008

I am currently migrating one of my clients sites to a windows server 2008 and SQL 2008 setup, but I am having massive problems with connecting to the database from the site. I have restored the database from a SQL 2k backup into the SQL 2008 server, I have setup the user correctly and can login as that user in management studio fine. I ...

View Parametrized Query In VBScript ADODB.Command

How can I view the SQL code of my query after it has been parameterized by Parameters.Append ...

Using ODBTP from Linux client to MSSQL - response error

I have MSSQL running on a Windows server. I can connect to it using ODBTP, ADODB and PHP from other windows servers. When I try the same thing on a Linux server, I get a response error: [ODBTPERR][0]Invalid Response in /var/www/html/Database/adodb5/drivers/ on line 726:[ODBTPERR][0]Invalid Response The ODBTP (v1.1.4) i...

How to use Query cache with ADODB?

How to use Query cache with ADOdb in PHP? Is it default in ADOdb or Is there any configuration needed ? ...

Is it possible to connect to a server DB from Windows Mobile App

Is there any way that I can connect to a server DB (Oracle, MS SQL, Sybase, ...) from a Windows Mobile application (written in C# using VS 2008). Is there support for say ODBC or another technologie? I'm connecting to a LAN via WLAN or via UMTS. There is no possibility for me to install an additional server component. ...

Where is ADODB 2.8 on Server 2008 / Vista ?

I've been developing a C# project that references the ADODB 2.8 COM on a Windows 2005 machine. (No I'm not using it for data access I need it because CDO needs returns ADODB.Streams). Now I've tried opening this solution on a Server 2008 box but I'm told ADOB 2.8 is missing and sure enough there aren't any ADODB items in the COM refere...

Why is TADOBlobField.Savetofile only writing 8 Bytes.

I have a working application that I have revisited recently. I store a file in a text field in a MSSQL database. I read it into an ADOTable and as a TBlobfield call Savetofile to write it to a file on disk. This has always worked. However now it is simply saving a 8 byte file rather than the correct file. I have a vague memory of ...

How to reference ADO RecordSet object in C#?

I am using a COM DLL, a function call which returns an ADO RecordSet object and want to refer to it in my C# application. Have added the reference, put the msado15,interop.adodb dll in the bin directory and debug directory, added assembly key in web.config but still get the following error: The type 'ADODB.Recordset' is defined ...

Specify a default driver for ODBC

I have a legacy VB6 app which builds a DSN based on a parameter in a config file. The parameter is an ODBC connection, and the connection has a name (DSN-NAME) which maps a server (DBSERVER) to a driver ("SQL Server Native Client"). Generally, it builds a DSN like this: DSN=DSN-NAME;User=foo;Password=bar If I specify a hostname i...

Oracle triggers error are not captured while using ADODB

I have and application which uses Adodb to insert data in Oracle table(customers database). Data is successfully inserted if there are no errors. If there is any error like invalid datatype etc. Error is raised and captured by my application and dumped in log gile. My customer has written their own triggers on this particular table. Wh...

How do I read data from an xBase/Clipper file in VB6?

DBF file is in C:\dbase\clip53\PRG\stkmenu\WPACK3\ DBF file is called WPACKS.CFG (deliberately not .DBF) The VB6 code in an ActiveX EXE for opening the database and recordset: Function OpenDatabase(sFile As Variant, Optional sProvider As Variant = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0") As Variant ' ADODB.Connection Dim nErr As Long...