I'm using classic ASP and trying to create parameters for a stored procedure call for a procedure that has optional (=NULL) parameters. One of the parameters, @maxrows, is required.
When I try to pass via the following call:
With objCommand
.ActiveConnection = oConn
.CommandText = "usp_client_onsite_search"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredPr...
Having a problem with IIS on Windows Server 2003 (using a classic ASP web application)
The database server (SQL Server 2005) is on the same machine.
I create a recordset, and set its activeconnection as follows:
Dim RS
Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RS.ActiveConnection = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Data...
I have a COM-Callable Wrapper on a .NET assembly. Some of the methods use streams (System.IO.Stream): either they accept a System.IO.Stream as input, or they return a System.IO.Stream .
I'd like to call one of those methods from a COM environment - Classic ASP.
Is there any possibility to get interop using ADODB.Stream? In other wo...
I'm getting this error when trying to run a vb application on a another pc. Is there some place I can download this DLL?
The following VBA subroutine will run most queries just fine. (ie: SELECT * FROM DUAL)
Sub DisplayQuery(QueryString As String)
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim connStr As String
connStr = _
"Provider=MSDAORA.1;" _
& "User ID=abc;Password=123;" _
& "Data Source=xxx/xxx;"
out QueryString
rs.Open QueryString, connStr, ...
I hava a table in ms sql2000 with a column defined as nvarchar
when query this table in java i get data for this column like this :
يا هلا بالشباب الØلوين يا شباب ا٠شلونكو؟.
When i try php with adodb i get the data as it should be ,in arabic.
but i need to use java not php ,please can any one help m...
I need to write a php script to load 1 million record and make insert statements of them.
i make each select to return only 100,000 record ,but the script just do nothing
ini_set('memory_limit', '200M');
ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');
$DB_Conn = NewADOConnection("mssql");
ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a'
Provider cannot be found
when trying to access aspm page this error is ocurred.
Reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1690622/excel-vba-to-sql-server-without-ssis
After I got the above working, I copied all the global variables/constants from the routine, which included
Const CS As String = "Driver={SQL Server};" _
& "Server=**;" _
& "Database=**;" _
There is a function in our system that writes a file to a postgres BLOB, the function is pg_lo_write, our system uses PHP, ADODB and PostgreSQL.
What I would like to know is where is this data stored, is it a file in a postgres directory, in a table?
Many thanks!
Answer Information
Thanks to Ben Fransen for the answer, the BLOB is in...
I am trying to execute the query which stores recordset vales in sql db. when I am trying to execute that i am getting error like
the connection cannt be used to perform this operation. It may closed or not valid in this context error in vb6. Please help me to solve this issue.
' Write records to Database
Hi I have now managed to write my macro but the whole thing stops responding, just a guess but i presume it is because it is asking to check too much data? I have about 3000 rows (but have even tried it on 10). Does anyone know how I can cut this down or mend it to work? Another query on it I have gone to the heading 'sample187' but idea...
From my application written with Delphi 2009, I am reading from and writing to an IBM DB2 database using ADO, the ODBC Provider for ADO, and ODBC:
Application -> ADO (Win32) -> ODBC-Provider for ADO -> ODBC -> (net) -> DB2 (Windows)
Now, my application need to store unicode data. So I set my database codepage to UTF-8. Delphi handles s...
Here's the output code from my stored proc:
select q.ccypair, q.vega, t.label
from #parallel q
LEFT JOIN TPRR_vega_weights t ON q.Tenor = t.Tenor
) a
for a.label in ([t1],[t2],[t3],[t4],[t5],[t6],[t7],[t8],[t9],[t10],[t11],[t12],[t13],[t14],[t15],[t16],[t17],[t18])
order b...
I'm trying to pass through an adodb connection to a class constructor but in doing so get this error:
mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource
So to put it into context, I have instantiated a new adodb connection like this:
// establish database connection
$db = ADONewConnection($dsn);
if (!$db) die(m...
Hi I have another macro I wanted to create which is very similar to the one that has been given here. This time I don't want to specify a exact word because I won't know what word they will give, instead I would just like it to de dupe and copy whatever it finds in that column to the one respondent. How would I edit this? Thanks
Does anyone know if this is possible when I use ADOdb? I need to create new tables and edit table structures programmatically (i.e. adding new columns or modifying existing columns). I'm going to use MySQL for sure.
Both seem to try making it simpler using a database in PHP. Both seem to provide an abstraction over different database types like MySQL, SQLite, etc.
What are the differences between both ADOdb and PDO?
I need SQL server 2005 instance name from Adodb connection object in c#.
Please Help for my query.
Thanks in advance
I have code similar to
Dim A, B, C
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSql = "Exec [dbo].[some_sp] IND"
rs.open strSql,CN,3,3
Do While Not rs.EOF
'these columns are returned as decimal(10,2) format
A = rs("col1")
B = rs("col2")
C = A + B 'i get type mismatch error here
And I used response.write to c...