
populating ADODB command Binary parameters in VB6

I need to modify someone else's VB code, and I don't have much experience with VB6. I need to call a SQL2000 stored procedure using ADODB. One of the parameters is of type Binary and it's giving me problems. Every time I create the parameter, I get an error "Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation". The error...

ADODB recordset in VBA says excel field is empty when it's not

I have an excel sheet I need to import in my Access database. The sheet looks like this: DATE RECEPTION DENOMINATION ITEM N° QUANTITE RECUE 06/01/2010 DVD-Sex ...

how do i handle concurrent inserts in mysql table and fetch the correct insert id

I am using adodb for PHP library. For fetching the id at which the record is inserted I use this function "$db->Insert_ID()" I want to know if there are multiple and simultaneous inserts into the database table, will this method return me the correct inserted id for each record inserted ? The reason I am asking this is because I use t...

PHPUnit test of ADODB classes fails on second test

I'm trying to use PHPUnit to test some ADODB based classes and I'm not having much luck. What I'm seeing is that is the test of the ADODB based class is not the first test it fails claiming that "Undefined index: MyTable". I created the simplest possible test case. I have A table with one column, an autoincrementing int An ADODB der...

php ADODB call mysql_options() before connection to MySQL

My application is using ADODB to connect simultaneously to 2 MySQL DB. Application is downloading large files; it takes a lot of time so "mysql has gone away" error takes place. I know that MySQL allows to use automatic reconnection which could be enabled using mysql_options(), but I have no clue how to apply this function to ADODB adap...

ADODB to PDO quick switch

Hi! In past i use adodb for mysql in php. Now i wont to use PDO. How can i quick switch from adodb query to pdo using one connection to datebase? ...

Getting last insert id in Excel ADODB connection to MySQL database

I have the following code to insert items into a MySQL database from an Excel form. Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset ConnectDB With wsWorkBook strSQL = "INSERT INTO work_order (job_status, job_description, system_id) VALUES ....;" rs.Open strSQL, oConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic ' End With How can I get the...

How Pass ADODB Connection object from VB Components to C# with application

Hi to all, I am executing multiple vb6 components that accesses different database engines such as access (mdb), sql server, etc from within These components are already compiled dlls in vb6 and added as referenced assembly in framework 2.0. Each component has several functions that passes the adodb.connection object a...

Get Field Names using Adodb

Hello all, I am making use of Adodb and I wish to get the field names of a result set. How do I do this? $result = &$db->Execute($query); The above query has executed successfully, I just don't know how to get the field names from that one row and loop through it. I am making use of an access database, I couldn't find anything in t...

VB6 ADODB Fails with SQL Compact: Multipe-Step operation generated errors

Hi, I am converting an old application to use SQL Compact database (it works ok with SQ Server 2005 and 2008) and using the following code gives an error when attempting to execute a simple select command: Private Const mSqlProvider As String = "Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5;" Private Const mSqlHost ...

VB6 ADODB.Recordset RecordCount property always returns -1

I am trying to get some old VB6 code to work with SQL Server Compact. I can connect, open the database and all seems well. I can run insert select commands which work. However the ADODB.Recordset RecordCount property always returns -1 even though I can access the Fields and see the data. Changing the CursorLocation = adUseClient ...

Calling Stored Procedure using ADODB in PHP

I couldn't find a proper documentation on how to call a stored procedure using ADODB in PHP. Can someone help please? This is what I have now and I feel it's a dirty approach (or not?): $stmt = "CALL LocFillData('foo', 'bar', @nullcount, @totalcount)"; $rsstmt = "SELECT @nullcount, @totalcount"; $rs = $db->Execute($stmt); $rsstmt = $db...

Using Adodb for php/postgresql, return row ID after insert

I am using Adodb and Postgresql. When I insert a row, it increments the ID field using SERIAL. Is it possible to return the newly created ID number right after the insert? ...

Adodb: Postgresql select from two tables but return one set of results

I am new to SQL, and have two tables that hold data(I am using Adodb). They both have keys that connect them together, so I wanted to select a name from the first table if that has a parent id in the second table. I am using: $db->GetCol("SELECT FROM x_ast, x_ast_tree WHERE x_ast_tree.parent='$parent_id'"); This returns a...

Reading multiple recordsets

I have a Stored proc which returns 6 select statement results. I'm trying to use one record set to execute sp and get records for each select statement but i get 0 or empty records when i read them, How can i query record set with multiple select statements from stored procedure? ex: Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recor...

Why can't I do a "with x as (...)" with ADODB and Oracle?

Hello I fail to execute an SQL query with a with clause via ADODB and Oracle. That is, the following snippet works: Dim cn As ADODB.connection Set cn = .... Dim rs As ADODB.recordSet Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select 'foo' x from dual", cn Do While Not rs.eof ... rs.MoveNext Loop However, the following doesn't w...

ADODB connection to run SQL Server Procedure

I'm currently trying to run a certain procedure (sql 2005) in VB6, passing some parameters: Dim conn As Connection Set conn = New Connection conn.Open "Provider=whateverprovider;Data Source=whateversource;Database=whateverdatabase;User Id=whateverID;Password=whatever" Dim CMD As ADODB.Command Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Set CMD = New ADOD...

Can user defined variable be used with ADODB connections from PHP5 to a MySQL4.x server?

I'm trying to execute a SQL statement using the ADODB PHP library against mySQL4.1 : $rs = $db->execute("set @name = ?; select @name", array('test')); but it does not seem to like this. Is it possible to use variables with prepared statements? ...

Adodb, escaping quotes?

I am using adodb with php. I need to insert html into my database, and need to know the best method to escape the quotes before inserting it into the database? I tried using pg_escape_string() but it still does not seem to insert. What is the best method to do this? ...

Understanding how to bind parameters and insert data in Adodb

I was told to use bind parameters so that I could insert text into my db that had quotes in it. But, I am pretty confused when it comes to how to do this, the commands seem confusing to me. So, if I had a php string, that contained html, how would I insert this into my DB using bind parameters? I wanted to INSERT it, how would I do th...