
How to force adodb php library to use lowercase field names

I'm trying to use adodb for db access in my webapp. However my hosting provider has mysql case sensitive, and I have all my fields in lowercase. But when I call getInsertSQL function, I got them in uppercase. Is there a way to force adodb to use lowercase? I tried with define('ADODB_ASSOC_CASE', 0); $ADODB_ASSOC_CASE = 0; But it se...

Recordset only returning 1000 records

I'm doing an ADODB command with an LDAP query to get all the users from my Active Directory. There are about 2600 users, but I'm only getting back 1000 of them. I've tried altering the recordset's PageSize and MaxRecords properties with no luck. Without extraneous stuff, this is what the code looks like (I've made th...

ADODB.Stream alternative for large images

Need to find an alternative to using ADODB.Stream as it will load the entire file into memory and with file sizes over 200MB and simultaneous downloads can easily run out of memory. The only thing I can find to do would be to either rewrite in ASP.Net or write our own COM component that wouldn't load the entire file into memory. ...

Accessing SQL Database in Excel-VBA

I am copying an VBA code snippet from MSDN that shows me how to grab results from a SQL query into excel sheet (Excel 2007): Sub GetDataFromADO() 'Declare variables' Set objMyConn = New ADODB.Connection Set objMyCmd = New ADODB.Command Set objMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Open Connection' o...

How do I query Active Directory using C# and ADODB?

Looking for an example of connecting via ADODB to Active Directory using C#. My goal is to be able to run a lookup to verify that a user is valid in Active Directory based on one that of that users attributes (user id, email address, etc). [Would like to stress that using ADODB is a requirement for this, using DirectoryServices is not ...

MySQL SSL connection through ADODB library

I have a MySQL database hosted on a remote server and it is enabled to accept only SSL connection. When I connect to this database using Java JDBC with SSL options, it works fine. There is a special jdbc string that I use for JDBC connection as below "jdbc:mysql://:/?verifyServerCertificate=false&useSSL=true&requireSSL=true" I need to u...


Using a VBA script in Excel, I'm trying to insert a new row into a table and then get back the identity value of that row. If I run: INSERT INTO DataSheet(databaseUserID, currentTimestamp) VALUES (1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() in Management Studio, the row is inserted and it gives me the returned identity value as exp...

Filtering data on DBGrid on dbedit keypress

I programming with adodb/dbgo and try to use this code: procedure TfrMain.dbeNoMejaKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin dmWarbam.TblTrans_temp.Filtered := False; dmWarbam.TblTrans_temp.Filter := 'ID_ITEM = ' + QuotedStr(dbeNoMeja.Text); dmWarbam.TblTrans_temp.Filtered := True; end; and procedure TfrMain.dbeNoMejaChang...

Python / ADOX: 'The specified module could not be found.' (win32 extensions)

I'm running pywin32 for python 2.5. I'm following the instructions for python ADO given at Creating an ADODB.Recordset object works fine. But when I try to create an ADOX.Catalog object I get an error: >>> cat=win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADOX.Catalog') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<interact...

Adodb Active Record vs Zend db_table

Hello I use Adodb and Active Record for database abstraction. I have started to use Zend Framework, and one of the reasons I like it so much is due to it's "Use at Will" architecture which allows me to continue using Adodb rather than Zend's db_table functionality. I have taken a look at Zend_DB_Table on paper, but really want to know...

Connection to Oracle via VBScript

I have two databases on the same server with the same name and different port number. The tnxnames.ora entry looks like (actually one database is a clone of the other one.) AAAA.FSA.GOV.UK = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = SERVERNAME)(Port = 1530))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = AAAA))) AAAA.FSA.GOV.UK = (DE...

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00000535-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}

Hi all, Will try to ask here because didn't find any other entries for this error: I'm getting this sporadic error when the .NET appliacation running under w3wp process. The application pool configured to run as 64 bit process. I'm using PIA ADODB mostly only recordsets as data containers. Retrieving the COM class factory for compone...

Classic ASP - SQL Server 2008 Connection String using Windows Authentication

This should be painfully simple, but I cannot come up with a working connection string for a local copy of SQL Server 2008 using Windows Authentication. I've tried using the Data Link Properties tool to create a connection string and it has no problems connecting, but when I copy paste the generated string into my ADODB.Connection object...

AspAllowOutOfProcComponents error: many solutions, one programmer and no fix

Hello, I have been trying to work on integrating a NewsLetter for a companies local intranet and I keep running into the same error that everyone seems to be getting. I am running this on IIS 5.1 and on error exists at Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Connection), also the purpose of the ASP code is to read an Excel file Error Type: Server ob...

PHP Global variable not being imported into session handler

I am using ADODB for connecting to database and I am using the variable $db inside my functions to refer to the database connection. For some reason, the actual $db is not getting imported in the 'write' function: <?php // load ADODB class include(DIR_WS_CLASSES . "adodb5/"); $db = NewADOConnection(DB_TYPE); $db->Connect(...

Clone existing recordset to excel recordset

I have a recordset that contains all of the data needed to import into an Excel file. Is there a way I can clone my live recordset into the one created when I open an Excel file? Here is what I'm trying right now with no luck. Dim connection : Set connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") connection.Open "Driver={Microsoft ...

"No columns were bound prior to calling SQLFetchScroll/SQLExtendedFetch" error when opening a Recordset in VBScript

We're in the process of moving a set of websites from one webserver to another. The new server is running MySQL 5.0 whilst the old one was running MySQL 4.0 and we are getting an error on a couple of pages where a sum is being performed. I've had a look at the documentation for the differences between MySQL versions and I can't see any r...

SSL Connections with ADODB

I have a project we are about to wrap up, but just got a request from the DBA to make all our connections SSL. So I switched the driver to mysqli in the object that turns out ADODB instances, but I don't see any native method to create secure connections. To make things more difficult, there is a different set of certs and keys per con...

What's the most efficient driver to use with ADODB to access a MySQL5 Database ?

I've been using ADODB for PHP on several projects for quite some time, and I like it for the ease of use and the efficiency. I've never been too curious about the way that lib accesses data because you just worked :) But today I realized I'm still relying on the legacy MySQL4 ADODB drivers. I'm using MySQL 5.x, and it would pr...

[VB 6.0] ADODB Connection Problem

Hi, I am trying to perform a database operation from a VB 6.0 application (connecting to SQL 2000). The application is running fine in my local and test machines, but it gives the following error in the UAT environment. dbConn - Nothing lErrorNum = -2147024770 sErrorDesc = Method '~' of object '~' failed My source code is: Dim conne...