
Does setting an ADO Command's ActiveConnection = Nothing close the underlying SQL Connection?

I have a customer who's Classic ASP application is generating ASP_0147 errors. The first thing I'm checking is that they're closing and releasing SQL/ADO resources timeously. Their code has the following pattern: Function GetXXXXRecordSet() Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") With objConn .CursorLocation = 3 ...

ADODB Connection String: Workgroup Information file is Missing?

I have a few data sources in access that I need to connect to programatically to do things with behind the scenes and keep visibility away from users. Said datasource has a password 'pass' as I'm going to call it here. Using this connection method I get an error attempting to use the open method Dim conn as ADODB.Connection Set ROBBER...

vb6 displaying problem

i have created a database in mysql5.0. i want to display the data from it. it has table named login. it has 2 columns username and password. in form i have 2 text fields username and password i just want to validate input with database values and display message box. connection from vb to database is established successfully. but its not...

VBA - Create ADODB.Recordset from the contents of a spreadsheet

Hello, I am working on an Excel application that queries a SQL database. The queries can take a long time to run (20-40 min). If I've miss-coded something it can take a long time to error or reach a break point. I can save the results to a sheet fine, it's when I am working with the record sets that things can blow up. Is there a way ...

VBScript & Access MDB - 800A0E7A - "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed"

Hey gang, I've having a problem with a VBScript connecting to an access MDB Database. My platform is Vista64, but the majority of resources out there are for ASP/IIS7. Quite simply, I can't get it to connect. I'm getting the following error: 800A0E7A - "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed" My code is: Set conn ...

SQL 2000 (MSDE) Hangs When It Receives an Erroneous Query from a Classic ASP Web Application

I have a SQL interface page in my classic ASP web app that allows admin users to run queries against the app's database (MSDE 2000) - it simply consists of a textarea that the user submits and the app returns the resulting list of records as below Dim oRS Set oRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") oRS.ActiveConnection = sConnectio...

On a local machine: How can I download and save a file using Javascript and ActiveX?

This is a binary file. I would like to download and save a file with Javascript. This is all happening on a local machine. Is this possible? Thanks in advance! ...

Brackets around Stored Procedure in ADODB Command Text

Help me understand why this is happening! I use the ADODB.Command object. The Command Text is set to the Stored Procedure Name. Sometimes, if I DON'T add brackets around the stored procedure name, I get a Syntax Error or Access Violation error. Sometimes, if I DO add brackets around the stored procedure name, I get a Syntax Error or ...

unable to select correct ADODB version COM API

quick question is the public key token for ADODB dll different for 64bit and 32bit. I am trying to use a COM api which uses ADODB.Recordset and some how I am not able select the right version of ADODB in VS(2010) it asks for and I add 2.8 from the reference dialog. The only thing I can think of is that I am using a 64bit win7 ...

What is causing System.AccessViolationException when I access an ADODB Field's Value?

I am connecting to a PostgreSQL database from a .Net web service (both on a Windows XP machine). On a few occasions recently, on a few different computers, we have received System.AccessViolationException errors. One stack trace I was able to obtain showed that it was occuring when I took an ADODB.recordset and obtained the value of a ...

ADOdb sanitizing queries

Just trying to make sure all my queries are sanitized. We're using ADOdb (it's already in place, so no talking me out of it). Is there something in ADOdb like mysql_real_escape_string? ...

VB6 COM returns ADODB.Recordset in byRef Variant. How to retrieve in C#?

I'm trying to call this COM method: Public Function DoSomething(ByRef StringStuff As Variant, **ByRef Out_Data As Variant**) As Boolean Out_Data gets defined and populated in the method body as an ADODB.Recordset (2.6). I've tried several different ways I can think of, but still can't seem to get that recordset object out, or in for...

Unable to connect to sql database only from asp

In a VB6 program: Dim conn As Object Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Open "DRIVER={SQL Server}; Server=(local)\aaa; Database=bbb; UID=ccc; PWD=ddd" In an ASP program: Sub ProcessSqlServer(conn) Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Open "DRIVER={SQL Server}; Server=(local)\aaa; Database=bbb...

"Invalid use of Null" when using Str() with a Null Recordset field, but Str(Null) works fine

I'm banging my head against the wall on this one. I was looking at some old database reporting code written in VB6 and came across this line (the code is moving data from a "source" database into a reporting database): rsTarget!VehYear = Trim(Str(rsSource!VehYear)) When rsSource!VehYear is Null, the above line generates an "Invalid us...

How do I run a VBScript in 32-bit mode on a 64-bit machine?

I have a text file that ends with .vbs that I have written the following in: Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" Conn.Properties("Data Source") = "C:\dummy.accdb" Conn.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Database Password") = "pass" Conn.Open Conn.Close Set Conn = Nothing When I execute this on a W...

Continuous Form, how to add/update records with external connection

EDIT After some more research I found that I cannot use a continuous form with an unbound form since it can only reference a single record at a time. Given that I've altered my question... I have a sample form that pulls out data to enter into a table as an intermediary. Initially the form is unbound and I open connections to two main...

ADOdb Lite versus MySqli

Hello, I am working an a project to build an arcade site with PHP. I am considering using ADOdb Lite or MySqli. Which one is better for performance, speed and security? Thanks, ...

adodb: what does createparameter do?

in plain english can you please explain to me what does this line mean: Cmd.Parameters.Append _ Cmd.CreateParameter("datapath", adChar, adParamInput, 100) i then have a line that writes data to the datapath column: Cmd.Parameters("datapath").Value = "abc" but i do not understand the purpose of the first line? what is adChar and...

adodb .FIND question

i am using excel to connect to a mysql database i am doing this: rs.Find "rowid='105'" If Not rs.EOF Then cn.Execute "delete from batchinfo where rowid='105'" and it works well however, i need to be able to match data on multiple columns for example like this: rs. find "rowid='105'" and "something='sometext'" and "somethingelse='m...

invalid use of rs.filter property?

i am connecting to mysql using adodb from excel i am doing: dpath = Range("B2").Text atime = Trim(Range("B3").Text) rtime = Trim(Range("B4").Text) lcalib = Trim(Range("B5").Text) aname = Trim(Range("B6").Text) rname = Trim(Range("B7").Text) bstate = Trim(Range("B8").Text) rs.Filter "datapath=dpath and analystname=aname and reportname...