I'm trying to use PHPUnit to test some ADODB based classes and I'm not having much luck. What I'm seeing is that is the test of the ADODB based class is not the first test it fails claiming that "Undefined index: MyTable".
I created the simplest possible test case. I have
- A table with one column, an autoincrementing int
- An ADODB derived class for that table with no methods
- A test case that instantiates that ADODB class and calls Save() on it
- A test case with a test method that does nothing
- A test suite class that sets up the ADODB connection and runs the 2 tests.
If I put the do nothing test second or leave it out entirely the first test runs successfully. Otherwise it looks as if it's complaining that the table doesn't exist.
If also tried adding the ADODB class twice to the suite. It runs the first time successfully and then fails the second.
Googling for PHPUnit/ADODB issues doesn't bring up anything.
Any ideas?