I am converting an old application to use SQL Compact database (it works ok with SQ Server 2005 and 2008) and using the following code gives an error when attempting to execute a simple select command:
Private Const mSqlProvider As String = "Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5;"
Private Const mSqlHost As String = "Data Source=C:\database.sdf;"
Private mCmd As ADODB.Command ' For executing SQL'
Private mDbConnection As ADODB.Connection
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim DbConnectionString As String
DbConnectionString = mSqlProvider & _
Set mDbConnection = New ADODB.Connection
mDbConnection.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Call mDbConnection.Open(DbConnectionString)
If mDbConnection.State = adStateOpen Then
Debug.Print (" Database is open")
' Initialise the command object'
Set mCmd = New ADODB.Command
mCmd.ActiveConnection = mDbConnection
End If
mCmd.CommandText = "select * from myTable"
mCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
mCmd.Execute ' FAILS HERE! '
End Sub
I have referenced Microsoft ActiveX Data Access Object 6.0 Library in the project.
The error I get is:
Run-Time error -2147217887 (80040e21)
Multipe-Step operation generated errors. Check each status value
Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions?