First, thanks to those of you who gave me the suggestion on using "ThisWorkbook.Path". It worked like a charm.
However, my code walks through seven (7) workbooks and when using "ThisWorkbook.Path" I can not re-initialize the "This.Workbook". Let me elaborate.
This is the workbook where the Macro resides:
This is the first workbook where the code adds a tab and does sub-totals. Basically, ThisWorkbook.Path works here:
After doing what I need done with "Mechanical" I have the following code snippet, which never turns out TRUE:
If FileThere(ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "Chapter_7-90_ECS_1_LLC.xls") Then
The code for the function, which works for the "Mechanical" sheet is:
Function FileThere(FileName As String) As Boolean
FileThere = (Dir(FileName) > "")
End Function
FYI, I tried to break all of the different Workbooks into different Sub(), but that didn't work. I also triple-checked the name of the workbooks.
Thanks in advance.