




Hi friends,

     Actually i have keep on scrollview inside that scroll view i set one textview at run time i want to set text in that textview.The string which i m going to set is some what big in length so i could not get the string in a single line and i can get my string two or three lines .My scroll view layout width size is 250px.I dont want to exceed that size...My expectation is i want to see that string within that scrollview as single line if the string is exceeds the scroll size then it should horizontally scroll in text view.I tried some functions like setting horizontal scroll to scrollview and textview but nothing is work out.

Pls help me how to solve this problem.

urs, s.kumaran.


try this ,,

TextView.setHorizontallyScrolling(true) TextView.setLines(1);

where did you add the textview..Inside scrollview we able to add only one view...

Thanks for ur immediate response but i try those two ways already but not working man.