




I have found what looks like a good, secure PHP login script, however i am having trouble figuring out how to implement it. (It is located here

I am new to PHP so don't know much yet. I can't figure out how you actually authenticate a user and return a message to them if it fails and where to stick all the functions and classes mentioned throughout.

I know it may be very obvious to some but i just don't get it!


+3  A: 

Not the easiest script/way to do it, but quite complete. You say you're new to php, what about OOP ? IMO, this one seems easier : tutoriel.

Principle always stays the same : you have in your database a table with your user.

The visitor come and try to log. If his login/password are good, you redirect him to his profil/any page you want and you store in $_SESSION['verifiedUser'] = true , if his login/pass are wrong, he's redirected to the login page, with an error message.

And in every page restricted to logged user, you add

if (!isset[$_SESSION['verifiedUser']) )
Clement Herreman
Thanks for the reply. The reason i chose this tutorial is that it seems more secure than other ones. I am most stuck on the part of the tutorial (section 7) that mentions this code:$user->_checkLogin('username', 'password', remember)I have tried putting this code (and the rest from the tutorial) in a seperate file and using $_POST for the variables but nothing happens. Where abouts would i put this code and what is the best way to implement it?
+1  A: 

Clement answer is perfect.

May be the pear Auth class can be usefull

Just a note because you siad your are new to php: the authetication process is not the only important thing. You should also think about the ACL (access control list), a mechanism which allows an authenticated user to do some things but not others on one or more pages


(l) i love u ^^
Clement Herreman