



The Hudson CI Server has a configuration option called "Aggregate the archived artifacts". If I'm right, this option is used to share previously build artefact's across other builds/jobs. I have tried it, but it seems not working for me. How would the correct setup looks like? (PHAR packages are similar to JAR but for PHP)

My current workspace layout:

  • build
  • lib/php
  • src/php

Job FOO:

  • FOO/workspace/BAR/build/foo.phar

Job BAR:

  • BAR/workspace/BAR/build/bar.phar
  • BAR/workspace/BAR/lib/php/foo.phar

Hudson Job configuration for BAR:

Aggregate the archived artifacts (checked)

Job to aggregate: FOO (selected)

Artifacts to copy: **/build/*.phar

Shared directory: BAR/lib/php

Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks!


This could be a version/plugin thing, but the version of Hudson we are using talks about "Archive the artifacts" and "Aggregate downstream test results" - is there a chance you are confusing the two terms? The first - archiving - simply allows you to show the created artifacts from the job. I am not totally sure what the second one does, as we do not use it. However, I see from a search that the help documentation states:

"Because tests often dominates the execution time, a Hudson best practice involves splitting test executions into different jobs, possibly in multiple different jobs.

When you do that, setting test aggregation is a convenient way of collecting all the test results from such downstream test jobs and display it along with the build that they are testing. In this way, people can see the overall test status of the given build quickly."

Yes, i know the difference between "Archiving" and "Aggregate". So I'm talking about the second one, you talked about. My situation is nearly the same as in the documentation manifested. I need the artefact's from a previous job to build the following one.
Maybe I am reading it wrong, but the aggregation seems to be aggregating test results, not artifacts. And I did not mean to offend if I did - I was simply making sure that we were talking about the same thing :)