I've got some old VB6 code part of which enumerates the running processes on the machine via a call to CreateToolhelpSnapshot. I'm attempting to run this code on Win 2003 R2 and I have reason to be a little suspicious of the list of processes that it's returning. I found this article which leads me to think I might need to use a different API call on 2003. However I cannot find the Microsoft KnowledgeBase article that he mentions. Or I can't find the English version anyway. I did find the article in German but I can't read German. I think it's advising me to use an API called EnumProcs but I don't find any such API in the Microsoft API docs (at least not at msdn.microsoft.com).
So, should I be using CreateToolhelpSnapshot on Win 2003 or is there some other API which I should use? And does anyone have any idea where I might find a copy of that KB article in English?