




This question led me to wonder the following:

What are the 'Gotchas' associated with tacking on a ToList() to a Linq-to-Sql query?

I'm equally interested in best practices and anecdotes.


Disregarding transactions:

using (PlayerDataContext context = new PlayerDataContext())
    var players = context.Players.ToList();
    Console.WriteLine(players.Count()); // Outputs a stale count
Jim G.
I don't really see how that is a "gotcha". ToList() clearly copies the entities from Players into a List<T>. That's what ToList does on any IEnumerable.
Rex M
I don't agree that this is stale... this is an absolutely 100% up-to-date of the number of items in the list, which is what you asked it to do... this is just disconnected data.
Marc Gravell
Also, I'd argue it DOES output a stale count (not could do so). The fact that the stale count might coincide with the actual count is beside the point.
Matthew Scharley
Alright, I agree with Marc, even if he did beat me by 17 seconds. The count isn't stale, it's a count of the number of items in the list. It's the list that is always stale. Semantics, bleh.
Matthew Scharley
+1  A: 

The big one is the loss of deferred execution. A linq query normally doesn't actually do anything until you iterator over the results. Calling .ToList() iterates over the results, and so will run the query right away.

Joel Coehoorn

Compromising linq-to-sql's ability to optimize:

using (PlayerDataContext context = new PlayerDataContext())
    // suboptimal
    var players = context.Players.ToList();

    // optimal
    var playerCount = context.Players.Count();
Jim G.
This is super obvious...it isn't a gotchya...
jjnguy -You'd be surprised. I see this a lot in our Production code.
Jim G.