In the same way that you can generate specific content based on browser type is there a way to generate specific content based on the server running PHP without reference to the server or site name?
For example, a way for PHP to automatically detect the environment it was in and configure things like DB connections, ini_set for errors etc. depending if it was a development, ITS, UAT or production environment.
The 2 ways I thought of were to recognise an HTTP header indicating development and QA environments or to have custom properties in php.ini.
I have woken up slightly and found out the php function to read the http headers but php overrides anything I set in the web server and I do not know if they can be set in php.ini at all.
I have no idea if it is possible to add custom values to php.ini but I had a test and ini_get would not find it (I had restarted the web server after changing php.ini of course).