Rendering an action doesn't make sense. You'll want to render a template (or a file) with a layout.
# Path relative to app/views with controller's layout
render :template => params[:path]
# ... OR
# Absolute path. You need to be explicit about rendering with a layout
render :file => params[:path], :layout => true
You could serve a variety of different templates from a single action with page caching.
# app/controllers/static_controller.rb
class StaticController < ApplicationController
layout 'static'
caches_page :show
def show
valid = %w(static1 static2 static3)
if valid.include?(params[:path])
render :template => File.join('static', params[:path])
render :file => File.join(Rails.root, 'public', '404.html'),
:status => 404
Lastly, we'll need to define a route.
# config/routes.rb
map.connect 'static/:path', :controller => 'static', :action => 'show'
Try accessing these static pages. If the path doesn't include a valid template, we'll render the 404 file and return a 404 status.
If you take a look in app/public you'll notice a static/ directory with static1.html, static2.html and static3.html. After accessing the page for the first time, any subsequent requests will be entirely static thanks to page caching.