



The php.ini file that is loaded (checked through phpinfo) does not seem to have any effect when I change something (after restarting apache). I'm using vista for this (please no answers about use linux, I use that too, I want to have it work on vista also).

edit: version 5.3 VC6 x86 Thread Safe, apache 2.2 edit2: version 5.2.10 VC6 x86 Thread Safe works normal


Are you sure that the php.ini file is placed in the correct place? Are you using IIS with PHP or just apache?

You could try to reinstall the webserver.

Timotei Dolean
It's apache. I can try to reinstall, can't hurt.
I just got remembered something. When you modify the php.ini it SAVES the file modifications? Because it's in Windows folder and usually you don't have rights on it, only if you use the Open With Admin rights. Try that one;)
Timotei Dolean

There could be multiple php.ini. In the case of XAMPP, there is one at "U:\xampp\php\" and one in "U:\xampp\apache\bin". The former is for PHP CLI.

KahWee Teng
I'm not using XAMPP but the VC6 x86 Thread Safe zip version. I haven't enabled the included suggested ini configurations either.
There is now only one php.ini file for php and apache to share. There is however a php-pear.ini, so presumably pear has it's own (not that it is very different than the normal one...).
+1  A: 

call phpinfo() function or in CLI php -i and check "Loaded Configuration File" to see exact php.ini file loaded
