I'm developing a form using the Zend Framework and utilising dojo. One part of the form is gathering a users contact details and address. The issue I am hitting is using the FilteringSelect or ComboBox dojo component to select the city/town. I have in my database a list of 40K+ town/city names.
I've tried to use the Dojo component to grab this list but fear that 40K town names is just too big. I don't want to manually use a standard html component as I am sure that all that extra text in the page would make my form a nightmare to load.
So I suppose my question is in 2 parts:
- What's the maximum JSON data size I can realistically expect to use, as I expect that what I am using is too big.
- What would be the best way of allowing users to select one of these town names in the form?
Thanks in advance.