How are you managing your usage of DojoX code or widgets in a production application?
The Dojo Toolkit is comprised of Core, Dijit, and DojoX. As an incubator for new ideas to extend the toolkit, DojoX code and widgets are functional with varying degrees of instability.
DojoX Code like QueryReadStore (for fetching batches of data from the server) or widgets like Grid (for utilizing a user interface grid component) are not included in Core or Dijit. But they are functional enough to utilize in some cases, with the caveat "developer beware", because in future Toolkit versions the API or the component location in the source tree might change. Another catch is that you may have to tweak the DojoX component you are using for it to function properly in your environment, as there's not yet a high degree of robustness in the code.
So, how are you ensuring that as the DojoX components you use evolve, your application stays on a smooth track?