That means, pure css a:hover setting is not the answer, coz when mouse move out or click other places, the link will back to its normal state.
You need to handle the click event on that a, for example (suppose all a have the class product, and put the wine name as the id of the div):
e.preventDefault(); // So that the link is only handled by the following code without default action
$("a.product").removeClass("active"); // Remove all other "active" products, ie, back into smaller image size
var name = $(this).parent.attr("id");
$(this).addClass("active"); // set the selected item to be "active" or larger image size in your case
// ajax logics here...
and the html can be
<div id="wineName1"><a class="product">...</a></div>
<div id="wineName1"><a class="product">...</a></div>
<div id="wineName1"><a class="product">...</a></div>
so that in your css
#wineName1 {...}
#wineName1 active { // you can then target the larger image like this here }
One last bit, which is not really related to your question, is that semantically your wines could better use unordered-list (ul) to represent.