is there a short formula to get the xth letter of the alphabet?
So if I give parameter '5' to the function, I would get the letter 'e'.
is there a short formula to get the xth letter of the alphabet?
So if I give parameter '5' to the function, I would get the letter 'e'.
you could use an ascii function since every letter has a numeric value in ascii
Not sure what language your using... in T-SQL you can use an ASCII and CHAR functions:
PRINT CHAR(ASCII('A') + @i) -- where @i is your numeric value
There is a function CHAR
which gives a character with the specified code:
CHAR(96 + 5)
will yield your "e".
But there is no direct way to get a character of the alphabet.
An alternate, although not as short as the CHAR function, is the CHOOSE function
The index number '5' returns the fifth value in the list. The list could be an Excel range of data e.g. (A1:A26).
If the index number is outside the range, #VALUE! is returned