




Hi all, A quick question, I am having trouble applying sifr to some h1 tags. I have never ran into this problem before but now I just can't figure out what is wrong. I am applying sifr to some h1 tags but the sifr-active class gets applied to the html tag rather then the tag that sifr is replacing. Any ideas why this might be happening? Thanks Lee


Yes, that's what it's supposed to do.

Mark Wubben
Is it not meant to apply sifr-active to the element that the sifr is being applied to. example, I am applying sifr to an h1 tag with the class title.the select would be h1.title and the tag would end up looking like<h1 class="title sifr-active">However my MAIN html is tag is getting the sifr-active so its being<html class="sifr-active">that means when I apply the css visibility:hidden to the sifr-active, to hide the initial text, it hides the entire page instead
+1  A: 

I have indeed fixed it.

After viewing the demo in the css you use

.sIFR-active h1 {}

Simple as that
